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Ask and it shall be given…

Ask and it shall be given…

Ever have something virtually smack you in the face every time you turn around. It could be a song, a book title or in my case this past week a Bible verse.

"Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened"

Must have seen or heard that verse or seen a reference to it at least a half dozen times between Monday and Thursday.

Coincidence? Possibly, but God has talked to me in weird ways for years and sister (or brother)… I know when to listen. There are three parts to that verse. Let's look at each one.

First, when you need something and there's a burning desire in your heart, do you ASK (boldly), believing that what you've asked for will be coming your way?

Or do you ask (with small letters) hoping (or more accurately wishing) that you might, just maybe, be lucky enough to receive what you're asking for? You have to ask boldly to get what you want.

Second, do you seek what it is you're wanting or do you wait for it to drop in your lap? Always be on the lookout for a way to fulfill the
desire that's been put in your heart.

Maybe it's the new business you want to start, or the new house you want to buy or it could be something really cool like funding your favorite charity. Whatever it is, there's always a way to do what you want or have what it is you're meant to have, but if you don't know the "how" you have to ask. The answer will always come.

The last part of the equation is knocking. If after you ask, and the answer doesn't seem to be anywhere on the horizon…keep asking. That's the knocking the verse is talking about. I love the phrase "Don't give up before the miracle". Your answer is usually right around the corner.

"Ask and it shall be given, seek you shall find, knock and the door will be opened".

Keep asking and never give up. Sometimes it takes persistence to get what it is you're after, but if you're not willing to be persistent is what you want really worth the effort anyway?

Just sayin'…

What's your experience been with asking, seeking and knocking? I'd love to hear what's going on in your life. Talk soon ๐Ÿ™‚


Sonrisas (smiles),

Beth ๐Ÿ™‚



17 Responses

  1. Great article Beth!  Thanks for the encouragement and the breakdown of the verse.  I have found that so many times when we ask according to God's will, we must truly believe that He will come through.  And that with that, we must not give up when it doesn't happen on our time table.  Thanks again for this great reminder!

  2. Olga Hermans says:

    That is one of my favorite verses Beth…God is going to do amazing things in our life; He is on our side, directing us and leading to great and amazing things. Thanls Beth!

  3. Solvita says:

    It is true 'ask and it is given', people sometimes ask for things they want and also don't when they are unaware…great post ~ love this subject! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Jackie Ngomesia says:

    Hi Beth,
    Good article! We as Believers, most of the time celebrate what the Word of God tells us and we never get to experience it! I learned it the hard way! I was hungry for more, I was hungry for the truth and not just religion and tradition of man! I asked, I looked, I knocked and they all worked for me. But you have to be hungry and desperate for a change in your life to make this a REALITY.
    My 2 cents:)

  5. denny hagel says:

    Fabulous! And add one more, ASK and Believe it will come! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great article!

  6. Wil says:

    I do ask and I'm not sure what to expect to receive!
    I enjoyed this post, Beth. Thanks.

  7. Lori says:

    I need to work more on the asking! Great article!

  8. Beth, thank you so much for this post!

  9. Beth, thank you so much for posting this article!

  10. Beth Heilman says:

    You’re welcome Anastasiya! Glad you liked it.

  11. Beth Heilman says:

    Yep, asking is the key. Have a great one, Lori!

  12. Beth Heilman says:

    Hi Wil, Ask for what it is God’s put on your heart. God works through faith…and clarity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Beth Heilman says:

    Absolutely…believing is critical. Otherwise all we’re doing is wishing… ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Beth Heilman says:

    Hi Jackie, I completely agree. We have to want what we’re asking for and believe, I mean really believe that it WILL happen. God wants to give us what we’re asking for as much, if not more than we want to receive it. You gotta want it enough to believe!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Beth Heilman says:

    You’re right Solvita, knowing exactly WHAT is is you want is just as important as asking for it. I love this subject, too. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Beth Heilman says:

    Mine too Olga! He is on our side. It’s our job to listen to Him and simply do what He says. God ALWAYS has our best interests at heart!

  17. Beth Heilman says:

    Thanks, Jennifer. You’re right about the time table. That’s why we gotta keep on knockin’! ๐Ÿ™‚

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