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Posts Tagged ‘stop procrastination’

Your Business: It Doesn’t Matter How Small You Start…Just START

Posted on: September 5th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Lots of times when those entrepreneurial feelings start. We're not quite sure what to do about it.

You know you want to have a business of your own, but there's SO much to do…and there's SO many things you think you have to get in place first.

What about a website? I have to have a website…and business cards.

Must design the perfect business card and Oh, I'll need a logo because the experts say I must "brand" myself.

To all this I say…STOP!!

You're gonna make yourself nuts and you haven't even sold the first thing yet.

Here's what you really need to get started in business…Ready?

The basic ingredients to a successful business consist of these things: 

A need in the market that needs filled or a problem that needs solved People that have those needs or problems (and can pay for the solutions)

You…and your ability to be the go-to person for taking care of those needs and problems.

Your mouth (or someone elses mouth) to get the word out about you and what you do.

Too simple?

Why make it more complicated?

Everyday on the internet you'll find the latest guru-du-jour who'll tell you that their system or training is the answer to building the business of your dreams, and they may be right…partly.

But, if you get all caught up in the getting-ready-to-get-ready syndrome ; buying every tool and training and waiting until everything's perfect

to launch your business, you're doomed before you even start.

And you'll go broke in the process.

It's not about the "stuff", folks.

It's about the people you serve and the product or service you provide to them.

Start small. Talk to five people today about what you do. Heck…just talk to one if that's all you can do, but do it.

Once you start it just gets easier and easier. And if you mess up, so what?

You just figured out how NOT to do something. Congratulations!! You just had a learning experience.

Your marching orders for today…decide what needs to be done in your business today and…DO IT!!

If you're feeling stuck and need some advice or want to share a celebration of how you "just did it", leave a comment below for some
help or a happy dance. Talk with you soon.

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),




The Way To Overcome Resistance Is With Action

Posted on: August 30th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Ever get something in your head that you just KNEW you were supposed to do?

It could be losing weight…or moving to a new location…or starting a new business (one of my personal favorites 🙂 )

The excitement builds, all the pieces are in place. You may even have your friends and family on board ready to cheer you on in this next exciting step in your life and all of a sudden…WHAM!!

You stop dead in your tracks. Suddenly all the motivation is gone. Even doing the laundry and cleaning the cat box sound like more fun than following through on your new plan.

It's the killer of dreams and the squasher of all things even remotely looking like personal growth or forward movement in your life.

The one sure-fire way to tell if the thing you're wanting to do is really what you're supposed to be doing is when Resistance starts
rearing it's ugly head.

How do you overcome Resistance? Take ACTION.

Do what it is you need to be doing whether you feel like it or not. And whether you're scared to or not. This exposes Resistance for what it really is.

You see, Resistance likes the status quo. It wants you to stay safe and small. The moment you make a decision and start moving forward in your life, good ol' resistance will start following you like a shadow.

You'll procrastinate, you'll rationalize. In it's strongest form, you may even get depressed or sick.

There's a fantastic book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield that goes into wonderful detail how resistance in all it's forms, shows up and tries to keep you stuck. I highly recommend it to anyone who knows they've been called to greater things, but just can't seem to "get it in gear".

It doesn't matter a step you take, but do something that will move you closer to where you want to be…whatever that is for you. Take action today.

If you're feeling stuck right now, but know in your heart of hearts you've been called to do bigger things and play a bigger game, I
encourage you to get "The War of Art".  

It will be a game changer for you…it was for me.

Remember one thing about taking action when you're feeling resistance.

It's kind of like turning the light on in a dark room. The room seems spooky and unfamiliar until you flip the switch then…POOF!

Now you can step into that room because you can see. No more fumbling around (procrastinating and avoiding) because you know what's in front of you and what to walk around.

Action is your light switch…flip it today.

Leave a comment below and let me know how YOU overcome resistance. Love to hear from you 🙂


The Ultimate Empowerment?…Action!!

Posted on: October 6th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Have you ever been stuck in a rut of inertia before? Then you probably know the sense of helplessness that takes over your life. You want your life to change, you want your situation to improve…big time, but you feel powerless to do anything about it. You may find yourself constantly making plans to improve your life, but never quite get around to taking action because it seems so overwhelming and intimidating.

Take Action Now

Although taking action can be intimidating and even a little frightening, it can also empower you! If you learn to take action effectively, it can provide the fuel to keep you moving forward toward a more fulfilling and much happier life. Do this and you’ll realize that there was never anything to fear in the first place. By taking positive action you’ll never feel stuck again!

Here are three simple steps that show you how to get started:

1) First, understand that your life is the way it is right now because of your hesitation to take action! This is important, because you’ll understand the importance of moving forward no matter how anxious it makes you feel at first.

Then, decide on one action to take to get the ball rolling. Think about your life right now, and ask yourself which situations you want to change first. You might choose your career, relationships, health, financial situation, or anything else that makes you feel powerless and stuck. Then think about one simple action you can take to inspire some positive change. It doesn’t have to be a huge action, just SOMETHING to start building momentum.

2) Once you’ve decided on your action step, take that step no matter what! This may seem incredibly difficult or even scary, but remember that most often the things you fear are not going to happen. In fact, you may not even have a clear reason for feeling scared – you’re just afraid of the “unknown”. Give yourself a pep talk or push yourself in any way you have to in order to move forward at least a little bit. After you take that first step, be sure to let go of any expectations of the things that may happen because of it, and allow yourself to feel great simply because you did something about it!

3) Lather, rinse and repeat 🙂 Seriously…repeat with the same step, and/or others. Once you’ve taken one step forward, keep pushing yourself to take more and more. Consider this: Even if you take a hundred small steps in a month, you’ll be putting forth positive effort to make changes in your life. You can’t help but bring about better circumstances!

The good news is that taking action quickly begins to build momentum. Just as chronic non-action can create a cycle of negativity and stagnation over time, being proactive can create a positive cycle that continues to grow! The more you do it, the easier it gets! Eventually it seems almost effortless – and you continue to empower and strengthen yourself with every step you take.


How To Stay Focused Working From Home

Posted on: September 2nd, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Most of us Home-Based Business Owners and Network Marketers who have worked a “real job” have dreamed of the day when we could finally give our notice, tell the boss good-bye and never look back. Ahh, freedom. It’s a beautiful thing.

Freedom is a funny thing, though. On the one hand, when you have your own business you can do what you want when you want to. On the other hand, because you can do what you want when you want to, it’s really easy to not do anything.

Keep Your Focus

Keep Your Focus

It’s also really easy to get caught up in “busy work” and put the things that will make you money on the bottom of the “to do” list.

The other day I got a really cool video from Eban Pagan promoting his course “Wake Up Productive”. In that video he talks about all the time that gets wasted in non-productive things like checking email, surfing the net (in the name of research) and returning phone calls that could be put off until later, or even delegated to someone else.

Here are some suggestions.

Figure out when your most productive times are. Let’s face it. Some of us are morning people and some are night owls. While I might get my best work done in the mornings and early afternoon, you might do better to sleep late and work later in the day. The cool thing about most of our businesses is that they’re international, so sending an email from the west coast at two in the morning would get to a business associate in Australia at a normal time. Work with your own internal clock instead of against it.

Set aside blocks of uninterrupted time to focus on just one project. Schedule one to two hour blocks of time and don’t work on anything else but that one thing. There’s no such thing as multi-tasking folks, as much as we’ve heard all the hype about it. Try this little experiment. Think about a green dog now at the same time think about a purple elephant. You have to focus on one or the other (and you can alternate between the two of them pretty fast), but you can only concentrate on one thing at once.

So many of us home based business types will simultaneously be talking on the phone to a prospect, while checking our email, while writing ourselves a reminder about something at our kid’s school and what did we really accomplish? Our prospect (the most important person in this scenario) isn’t getting the full attention he or she deserves and they can feel it. We give up effectiveness in the name of efficiency and nothing important gets accomplished.

The bottom line is this. The freedom of a home based business is in being disciplined with your time.

When you’re writing an article or blog post for your marketing campaign, do only that. Give it your complete attention and don’t stop until it finished.

When you block out time for your follow-up calls, do only that. Then your prospects have your undivided attention and they’ll be able to feel that you’re really listening to them. That you really care about what’s important to them.

When you can master your time and focus all your energy on one project at a time, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you’ll be and how much extra time you’ll have for all the fun things in life.



Sometimes You Gotta Get Out Of Your Own Way

Posted on: August 31st, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Have you ever been there?

There’s something you know you’re supposed to be doing. Something big.

Success Steps

Take The First Step

You know you have a purpose way bigger than the everyday “stuff” you’ve
been doing up ’til now, but you keep hesitating.

Oh, you’ll get to it when you’re caught up on the bills…when the kids are
back in school…when the kids are out of school…when the planets are in
perfect alignment and a double rainbow appears above your house…on a
Sunday, at noon. Do I need to keep going?

You’re smart and you’ve probably figured this out already, but there’s never
gonna be a perfect time…for anything.

So…what about now?

It’s time to get out of your own way. People out there need what you have to

You have gifts and talents that no one else on this planet possesses. Use
them…share them…and make a wonderful living with them.

How do you know what it is you’re supposed to be doing?

You hear this term a lot, but what are your passions? What would you be doing
even if you didn’t get paid for it?

The two questions that have helped me the most are: “What do I love doing?”-
remember it’s not work if you love what you do and; “What am I good at?”-
these are talents you have (or you want to develop) that compliment what you
love and can be turned into a business.

Channel your “Inner Entrepreneur” and listen for the answer. You have
everything inside you you’ll ever need to succeed. Sometimes you just gotta
get out of your own way.

What suggestions do you have for getting out of your way and getting on with
your purpose? Leave a comment below…
