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Posts Tagged ‘business relationship skills’

5 Reasons Why Real Estate Pros Should Have Their Own Blog

Posted on: July 9th, 2012 by Beth Heilman


5 Reasons Why Real Estate Pros Should Have Their Own Blog

When I talk to my fellow Real Estate peeps and the subject of Marketing Online comes up, the Conversation usually turns to whether or not they, as a Real Estate Pro should have their own blog.
Some argue that since their company or broker has one, that should be good enough, right? Uh, try again. 
If you're depending on just having your picture, your bio and the information your Broker puts on the your company site to bring you 
business, you're putting your career and your paycheck in someone else's hands.
Here's five compelling reasons why you should have your own separate blog…
Compelling Reason #1– You get to show the world who you are as a professional and as a person. By sharing your expertise, your 
personality and the things you enjoy doing, you're bulding a connection with your audience. That's how you attract the clients you really want to work with. How much fun is that?
Compelling Reason #2– You are generating your own leads. In real estate, if you have no prospects, you're out of business. We all know that (some of us all too well) As you share interesting articles, photos and events you're naturally going to have folks who will want to work with you. You won't have to depend on buying leads (that aren't really leads anyway) or relying on referrals from your Broker(some of those splits can really cut into your commissions). 
The days of giving up a big chunk of your paycheck for a referred client will be a thing of the distant past (as it should be ;-)) Also, when you get those blog readers who live in other areas who want to buy or sell, you can refer them to someone in their area and YOU earn the referral fee. 
Now who's smilin' all the way to the bank?
Compelling Reason #3– you get to connect on a more personal level with your clients. Company websites are fine, don't get me wrong; but there, you're just another face in the crowd. Unless you have an outstanding photo (not talking about nose glasses or lime green hair here..although now that I think about it…nah) you're just going to get lumped in with all the other suit-wearing, arm-crossed, smiling agents in your office. 
Think about this a minute. Who do YOU relate with more? A corporate head shot or someone who shares pictures of their kid's Little League game, a mouth-watering  photo of a perfect loaf of bread that just emerged from the oven (with the recipe to go along with it) or a story of how you helped a deserving young couple overcome huge obstacles to become happy homeowners. I'm betting the warm and fuzzy connection gets you every time. Your prospective clients are no different. People want to work with people they have things in common with. Show them that person is you. 
Compelling Reason #4– Your blog is YOUR piece of internet real estate. It's a part of your business that follows you no matter who your Broker is. When you have your own blog (and the marketing funnel that you build to go with it), it's YOURS. You own the domain, you own the content. you own your list of prospects (you will be building a list, won't you? Of course you will) Those are the people you market to for however long you choose to remain in business. 
If you depend on your company site, anyone who goes through their site remains a lead of the company. If you choose to leave and you've been working with folks that came to you through the Broker's site, too bad. 
Any relationship you may have formed will be left at the door when you turn in your keys. Ain't gonna happen if you've generated your own list. 
(Now, all you good Realtor people out there,. I know I don't even need to say this, but you DO need to let your client remain if they're in escrow. Totally not cool to try and take a Buyer or Seller away from your Broker. I'm talking here about the folks who haven't done anything yet. OK…ethics lesson over. Wish I could give you C.E. credits for that 😉 )
Compelling Reason #5– It's just plain fun to share your hobbies, favorite hangouts, recipes, and real estate triumphs (and some 
frustrations are OK, too) with your audience. By creating your own blog and sharing who you are and what you know, you're helping folks you may never get to connect with any other way. Here's a scenario that happens a lot. 
Someone on the polar opposite end of the country reads your blog post about a really cool event you and your family just went to in your town. 
That same person just found out they're getting a job transfer to your area (that's why they were reading about the event) and sees that you're a Realtor. 
They already feel connected with you by reading your blog and like your style, your sense of humor and the way you posted a picture of your two year-old holding her ice cream cone and letting your puppy take a lick. (If you're gonna be real, you may as well go all in, right?) Who do you think they're going to call to help them relocate? If you don't say you, I'm going to thump you right now…hard. 😉
Yes, they're going to turn to you. You've shown yourself to be warm and genuine. They get how much you love what you do and want to help them. 
They wouldn't even think about looking for someone else. Besides, they want to see the puppy…giggle. 
You got in this business because you want to help people and solve their problems (and make good money in the process). SO do it already and enjoy it while you're at it.
These are the five most compelling reasons why you, as a realtor should have your own blog. Can you think of any more? Do you have your own blog yet? Let me know in the comments below. And if you have any questions about how to get started, ask me that too. I'll be happy to help. Until next time…
To your blogging success,
Sonrisas (smiles),

If You Want More, Give more…First.

Posted on: June 11th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

If You Want More good things, in business or in life; give more first. Here's the reason I say that…

The other day I was having a phone conversation where the concept of "give more first" was front and center. It was with someone very close to me Ok…my oldest son) Shhh, don't tell him I told you, okay. He was complaining that his job had gotten boring and his bosses weren't giving him work that was challenging.

Mind you this is his dream job and one he worked very hard to get. I also want to tell you that he is MORE than capable of handling the more challenging (and fun) work.

After talking for a while and asking some pretty pointed questions, I got to the heart of the matter.

Because in his mind the jobs he was being given were tedious, even monotonous; he did them grudgingly. He'd even gotten a little slow about getting his work done and had been talked to about it.

Ah…here came my teaching moment. Love it when this happens 🙂

Give more first is an age-old concept. I told him that to be trusted with more (the more challenging, fun assignments) he was going to have to prove to his bosses that he could ace the assignments he'd already been given. Those were the skills they'd hired him for.

He'd have to prove to them by not only doing his (boring)work and finishing it under the deadline, but by doing the other stuff in addition. He needed to do it well and finish that on time, too.

Luckily, my boy is one smart cookie and got what I was saying almost immediately. Yeah, him!!

It's like the story of the talents in the Bible. You remember the one. Here's the Reader's Digest version…

Three servants, master is going on a business trip and gives each of the some money (talents) to take care of for him and he'd see what they'd done with them when he got back. The first two servants rocked. They invested the talents, made a profit and the master was doing a happy dance. They both were given even more of the master's property to take care of.

The third guy hid his; buried it, in fact. He only did enough to keep his job and get by so the master wouldn't be mad if he took a chance and lost the talent. He did just enough…

You know what happened. The master got miffed that the servant wasn't living up to his capabilities and the trust he'd placed in him and POOF!! Out the door he went.

Like I said, my son got it. When he went back to work he'd already made plans to finish up the project he'd been working on and ask for the extra, fun projects that were coming available. He knew that to have more, he'd have to give more…first. He realized he had to give first and do a stellar job what he's been entrusted with before he could move on the the more challenging and interesting work he really wanted to do.

Heck, if his excitement keeps up (like I know it will), he may even get a raise out of it…cha-ching!!

What situations in your business have you been in where you had to give (sometimes a lot) before you could reap the rewards? Please share in the comment section below. I'd love to hear. Until then…

To Your Giving Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),

Beth 🙂



What’s Your Back Up Plan?

Posted on: March 20th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Two things have happened here recently that drives home the importance of having a back up plan in case of a business hiccup.

The first was an excellent audio by my Mentor and Coach, Sandi Krakowski where she gave examples of how to make sure you can do business under crazy circumstances like bad weather, power outages and dead phone lines.

The other is something I'm going through right now in my own business. I have a very sweet, very nervous first-time home buyer who is days away from closing on his home and because the mortgage company doesn't have their back up plan in place, the possibility exists that we'll miss our closing deadline losing him both his home AND his earnest deposit.

Here's what's going on.

The mortgage company we went with is well respected and the Loan Officer is someone I've worked with many times before.

She's good.

And if you know the Real Estate business, you know that a good loan officer is worth their weight in gold.

The issue isn't with my Loan Officer, who by the way just went on leave for a surgery.

The issue is with the company itself and the fact that with my trusted mortgage gal down for the count, the loan is being handled by some one else and a processor who never answers her phone. Aaaaack!!

OK, so we're three days away from our closing deadline. No loan documents at the title company. I'm calling the processor and leaving messages ALL day. The Listing agent is sending me emails in all caps (and we know what THAT means) and my buyer, God bless him, waited all day to call me before freaking out on the phone.

Can't blame him…I've been there.

When I finally get someone at the lender's to answer the phone I'm told by the other loan officer that she doesn't know what's going on with the file (but she'd find out) and that the processor had gone home early that day. Oh, and she hoped she'd be in the next day to take care of this.

She HOPED, that MAYBE she'd be in. Wrong answer…aaaaaa…you lose.

These guys have absolutely no back up plan for something critical like what's happening with my buyer. So, if one person goes home sick that entire block of business stops and no work gets done until they feel better? Nope, sorry, not buyin' it.

Maybe I'm just being a little sensitive, but when my buyer stands to lose a couple thousand dollars AND the contract on the house AFTER we had to do a 7 day extension for something that wasn't his fault, I get more than just a little miffed. And now because of poor planning on the lender's part, everyone has to jump through hoops to get this home closed.

That's just plain looney…and unacceptable.

The morale of the story. Plan for the unexpected…anticipate that things could go sideways for no good reason. Always make sure that someone can step in to take over in case of an emergency.

You may never need your back up plan, but won't it be nice to be ready if you do. I'll keep you posted on my Buyer. I'll be getting him a nice bottle of wine for a house warming gift. Think I'll get one for me, too.

After this I think I'll need it…

Ever had something unexpected happen and you were totally unprepared…or maybe the unexpected happened and you were ready and sailed through it. Please share in the comments below. You never know who it might save from pulling their hair out in a crazy situation.

Until then…

Sonrisas (smiles),

Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in using Social Media Marketing (and some other nifty cool things, too) to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep their ideal customers. After experiencing the devastating effects the housing market crash had on her and her fellow Real Estate peeps, she has made it her mission to get businesses back on track using innovative marketing strategies with an emphasis on Social Media. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore. Beth has lived in fabulous Las Vegas for 30 years. She's a mom of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 amazing grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, things will turn out just fine". Know what? She's right…


What’s The Interest With Pinterest?

Posted on: March 5th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

What's the Interest with Pinterest?

There's a new kid in town on the Social Media landscape and it's taking the internet marketing world by storm. So what's all the interest with Pinterest? Pinterest, an image sharing site where fellow "pinterites" (I just thought of that one…cute, huh?) can visit your Pinterest page and "like" and repin photos you've posted on virtual bulletin boards you create within your account.

Folks are pinning things like motivational quotes, yummy recipes, cute critters and very cool clothes. Then there are those (like you and me) that see the enormous business potential this has.

Unlike sites like flickr where folks just go to look at lots of pretty pictures, Pinterest is proving to be a marketing powerhouse with incredible reach. In January 2012 alone, over 10 million visitors frequented Pinterest. Ten Million!! That's a lot of pinning!

For the average business owner Pinterest has enormous potential. For the Real Estate pro (that would be you) using this as one of your marketing channels could blow the doors off how you showcase your listings like nothing you've ever done before.

How, you ask? Let me tell ya…

Say for instance you get a really cool listing. I know, any listing is really cool, but follow me here. You upload photos of the house to the normal channels; your local MLS,, Trulia, Zillow and you throw in Craigslist for good measure. Great job…you're cookin' with gas, and here's where the new kid on the block comes in.

You go to your Pinterest account and create a bulletin board JUST for this listing. You add the photos, put in some really catchy comments and hit the "save" button. The potential for what's next is enormous…

Say you have some fellow "pinterites" (heehee) stop by and repin your photos to their boards. Their friends stop by, people you may have never even met, like what they see and repin to THEIR boards. And so on and so on and…well, you get the picture (yes, pun intended).

But wait, it gets better. Every photo you pin to your board includes a link back to the original "pinner" (that would be you) so anyone interested in finding out more about that particular house can find you. and research shows that over 50% of people who repin, click through to the site the photo originally came from to find out more information. Are you happy dancing yet?

It's a backlink strategy made in heaven. (Note: for those not familiar with backlinks and other internet wizardry stuff, that's why I started Red Leopard Marketing in the first place, so you wouldn't have to try and figure it out. That's my job 🙂 )

Guys, Pinterest knocks most other kinds of ways to visually market your homes on their ear because of the HUGE potential to go viral. People all over the world will be able to check out your listings in a casual, fun way AND had direct access back to YOU!!

Are you excited yet? You should be…

Pinterest is still in the Beta phase as I write this, so you have to be invited to join (and yes, it's free). If you can see how awesome this can be for your business and want to learn more, shoot me a message along with your email and I'll send you an invitation. I look forward to meeting you and seeing what fun things you have to share. And please leave a comment below and let everyone know how you're using Pinterest (or would like to 🙂 ). Until then…

To Your Pinning Success,



Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in using Social Media Marketing (and some other nifty cool things, too) to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep their ideal customers. After experiencing the devastating effects the housing market crash had on her and her fellow Real Estate peeps, she has made it her mission to get businesses back on track using innovative marketing strategies with an emphasis on Social Media. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore. Beth has lived in fabulous Las Vegas for 30 years. She's a mom of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 amazing grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, things will turn out just fine". Believe it…


To Succeed, You Have To Be Seen

Posted on: January 16th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

To succeed in business, just like in any area of your life, you need to put yourself out there. You need to be seen.

That exposure…that standing in the spotlight, can scare the bajeebers out of some people. And it will kill any chance of succeeding on any big scale.

It will kill your dream.

For the purpose of what we're talking about here today, we're talking about your business but it could apply to any area of your life.

Whenever you start anything new, like your own business, there's always the the initial start-up jitters. A thousand questions race though your brain simultaneously.

"Will it work?" Will people buy?" "Am I really cut out for this?" Round and round goes the brain till it looks a lot like Danica Patrick on a NASCAR track. Vrooom!!

It's really easy to head for pit row and want to stay there. It's safe.

You look like you're getting things done. There's a flurry of activity going on, but you don't have a chance to win unless you get back out on the track.

You have to be seen.

I've been stuck there, I know how it feels. You want so much to be one of those people you hear about who don't just make "get by" money.

They're freakin' killin' it and takin' it to the bank!!

Friends, they didn't get there overnight and they didn't get there by hiding in their home office. They got out of their comfort zone, put
themselves out there and got seen.

There are plenty of ways to promote yourself and your business. One of my favorite and most fun (not to mention far-reaching and cost effective ) is getting in involved in Social Media.

Just the number of people on Facebook alone is more than the population of many countries!! Imagine for a minute being able to reach out to someone halfway across the world with the click of a mouse. That was unheard of just a few years ago.

Think of the possibilities of building strong relationships with people who can't wait to do business with you because of how your share things about your life and the products and services you offer.

Think how gratifying it will be to be of service to people not just in you local area, but all over the world.

All because you let yourself be seen and you used Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn) to do it.

It's no secret that things in the economy have gone crazy. Not just here in the US, but all over the world. And it's the small business owner that cares enough to put themselves out there that will get this mess turned around.

If you're already busy promoting yourself and your business, good on ya!

If you've been playing small and waiting until you have everything perfect…STOP!

The world needs you! It's time to be seen… 

What are your feelings on being seen in the marketplace and using social media to do it? Leave me a comment below, I'd love to know what you think. Until then…

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),


