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Posts Tagged ‘whole hearted life’

How to Overcome “But-I’m-Not-Good-Enough-itis”

Posted on: September 8th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

We've all have had times in our lives when we felt we weren't good enough.

Maybe it was in school and you thought the other kids were prettier or smarter or more athletic.

Maybe as you got older, you got passed over for the promotion at work or perhaps all your friends were getting married and you were still sitting home alone on Friday nights eating Ben and Jerry's and watching reruns.


You might have even started thinking that the way things are, is the way they are always going to be because you're just not like everyone else.

They're special, they're lucky or they know something that you don't. You're thinking maybe you're not good enough.

When those nasty thoughts creep in your head and you're really starting to feel sorry for yourself…STOP!!

You are good enough…always.

You've heard the phrase, "God don't make no junk"? Well, He doesn't.

Whatever is stopping you from going full out for what you want is nothing that can't be overcome.

"But my situation's different" you might say. And you may be right. I don't know.

What I do know is this. You are here for a reason and your life has a purpose.

There's also a reason you're reading this right now. There are no coincidences, my friends.

If there's a dream in your heart, pursue it. If there's a business you want to start, start it. If there's a trip you want to take, take it.

If you think you're not good enough or you don't deserve to go after what you really want, let me tell you you are and you do.

Are all the circumstances perfect to move forward? Probably not. They never are.

Do you have what it takes to pursue the dream God has placed in your heart? Absolutely!! Otherwise it wouldn't be there.

You are enough…

As always, leave me a comment below and share your struggles and your triumphs. I read each and every one. I'm on your side…always.

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),



How To Live A Whole Hearted Life

Posted on: December 16th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Storyteller and researcher Dr. Brene Brown will make you laugh (and cry) as she tells about her research into what it takes to live a whole hearted life. After you watch it, be sure and leave a comment. This truly is a game changer.


The Power of Becoming Vulnerable…Again

Posted on: December 8th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Researcher Dr. Brene Brown speaks about the power of invulnerability and how it keeps us from living a whole-hearted life. Watch it. Enjoy it. And leave a comment below. Let’s discuss it 🙂

