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Posts Tagged ‘achieve your goals’

When Opportunity Knocks, How Will You Answer?

Posted on: August 25th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Sometimes it's feast or famine

There have been times in my life when I've been searching frantically for a job or a business venture and the pool of available opportunities was drier than Death Valley in August. And then, there were times when things were coming at me so fast and furious, I had a hard time deciding WHICH opportunity to take.


Ever been in that spot?

How do you know which opportunity or choice is the right one?

Here's a great way to decide.

Recently I finished a 6-part class given by David Neagle called the Miracle of Money. It was an amazing experience. In the class we learned, among other things, that when you set a goal for something (and in the class, it was a money goal) the opportunity to create the money and realize the goal will present itself. (Sidebar: there's more detail than I can go into for now, but suffice it to say things really do show up)

When we'd set goals for the amounts of money we wanted, believe me no one had a clue as to how we were going to get it. Then,as the opportunities started showing up, I and a bunch of other people in the class had a hard time making a choice as to which direction to take.

David gave us four questions that helped us, and now you, figure out the right path to follow. Here are the four very simple questions to ask yourself that make a world of difference:

1) Is this opportunity something I want to be, do or have? If it isn't, no need to go any further. You've got your answer. If you know deep down this thing isn't for you, don't do it. After a while you'll be frustrated at best and miserable at worst. Now, if it's something you're totally jazzed about, on to question #2.

2) Is being, doing or having this taking me closer to my goal?

3) Is being, doing or having this in alignment with Universal (God's) Law (more life to all and less to none)?

4) Does being, doing or having this violate the rights of others (does it take away someone else’s right to choose)? The answers you want are yeses to the first three questions and no to the fourth. Stepping on another persons rights will always bite the stepper in the behind in the long run.

These four questions are so simple, but so powerful. The next time you're faced with a big decision and feeling stuck, go through the questions. You already have the right answers inside of you. These questions will help you find them.

I'd love to hear what you think about this. Leave a comment below and let's talk.

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Why Motivation Doesn’t Last

Posted on: February 10th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

This video by PJ McClure, The Mindset Maven is a great explanation of why external motivation doesn’t last. At least not for long. The only true motivation comes from inside you. Watch and enjoy (and be sure and leave your comments. I’d love to hear from you)


Motivation And Momentum: The Keys To Reaching your Goals

Posted on: December 10th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

One of the most difficult parts of goal achievement is simply getting started.  It’s easy enough to dream and plan, but many people get stuck in this phase indefinitely and avoid taking action.  Planning and dreaming might make you feel like you’re doing something about your goals, but if you never actually take a step forward you’ll never achieve them.  In order to see measurable progress, you have to step out of your comfort zones and take action.

Keep Moving Forward

When you finally do gather your courage and begin moving forward, what usually happens?  You realize it’s WAY harder than you thought it would be, right?  It feels like you’re trying to run uphill.  You keep tripping over obstacles, facing setbacks and delays, dealing with fear and anxiety, and fighting a daily battle to stay motivated.

It’s during this difficult phase that most people give up.  They decide that “it isn’t meant to be” right now, so they set their dream aside and vow to try again later.  Or worse, they resign themselves to a mediocre life because they don’t believe they have what it takes to succeed.  They’ve “failed,” so they’re not going to try any more.

Have you done this?  Most people have!

However, this doesn’t have to be the end of the story.  You can pick up your dreams, dust them off and try again.  But this time you should know about a little something called Momentum.

You see, the difficult phase I just described is what happens at the beginning when you’re trying to gain momentum.  Most people quit during this phase because they think it’s ALWAYS going to be this hard.  What they don’t realize is that every effort they put toward the achievement of their goals will build on the previous efforts.  With every step forward the process gets easier and easier.  Finally, they’ve put so much energy and effort into the process that momentum begins to take over.  Suddenly they realize that they don’t have to push so hard to keep moving forward.  It becomes fun . . . even easy to achieve their goal.

This same experience can be yours!  All you have to do is keep moving forward.  Keep working toward your dreams and never quit.  Momentum WILL take over eventually!

If you want to get momentum working even more quickly for you there are a few ways to do it, but they can be summed up in one sentence:

Be willing to work harder, faster and take bigger risks than you have in the past.

The reason why momentum can be delayed sometimes is because many people take very tentative steps toward their goals.  They’re afraid to really give it their all, so they hold back much of the energy and power they could be devoting toward their goal.  Even if they’re not aware of it, they may feel more comfortable working at a slower pace, so they avoid taking big risks and instead take baby steps.

There’s not a thing wrong with this approach if it suits you!  However, if you want to make faster progress and build momentum quickly, think about taking bigger steps and giving your full energy and focus toward making it happen.  By doing so, you’ll push through the difficult beginning and find yourself coasting before you know it.
