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To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Whenever you start out on a new path, whether it’s a new exercise program, a new hobby or sport you’ve always wanted to learn or in the case of what we talk about here on this blog, a new business of your own the lesson is always the same…

Learn from someone who’s done it first…and is doing it well.

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Exceptionally well. Learn from someone who’s at least ten steps and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars ahead of you in income.

Broke friends, family or co-workers can’t give you business advise.

That’s why they’re broke.

In other words, Folks. Get a coach. Find a mentor. Build a relationship with someone who’s doing what you want to do and do what they’re doing.

I say that last statement with a very large caveat. I didn’t say copy what they’re doing. Just watch what they’re doing, pick out the things that work for you and here’s the most important part…drum roll please…DO IT.

Starting your own business isn’t for wimps or sissies. Deciding to be an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart.

There will be days, lots of them, when all you want to do is put your head down and cry because things don’t seem to be moving fast enough or, if you do a lot of work online, the internet company has a hiccup and all that stares back at you from your computer screen is total blackness. Eeeeek!

In other words…stuff happens.

If you work from home there are a million and one interuptions that could derail your work plans. That’s when the help of a mentor or coach is just the ticket to get you back on track and keep you there.

You see, they’ve been where you are now. They’ve navigated through all the mess and have figured out how to find success (Hey, I think that rhymes 🙂 )

I’ll leave you with this. The Lone Ranger was only a TV show. Even at that, the Lone Ranger wasn’t alone. He had Tonto. He had Silver. He had the camera crew filming him as he was being the Lone Ranger…get my drift? He couldn’t do it alone.

Neither should you. Your assignment this week is to find yourself a mentor or coach you respect, and who is now where you want to be.  And if they charge more for their expertise than you’re comfortable paying, good. When you make a investment in yourself and your business that makes you want to squirm a little, congratulations, that means you’re growing.

Til next time…Hi Ho Silver…Away 🙂


12 Responses

  1. Carol Giambri says:

    Beth, agree, agree and agree. Great article and getting a coach that has a relationship with me has made the world of difference. I can’t say I have been like a bolt of lightening moving ahead, which has nothing to do with the coach, but myself. Still I’m in favor of paying for great support as it is a business to others so why not pay for their wisdom and my time saving in years. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tamarah says:

    Thank you so much for writing this today. Totally appreciated it and reminded me that I am headed in the right direction, even if it all feels SOOOOOOOOOo slow!

  3. I completely agree with your article. Finding the right mentor can make all the difference in your business!

  4. AJ says:

    Nice job Beth, very insightful.

  5. Michele says:

    What great advice for any budding entrepreneur!

  6. denny hagel says:

    Great advice! Benefiting from those who have already traveled the road only makes sense! Thanks!

  7. Beth says:

    Thanks Carol. You’re so right…the right coach can make all the difference. And a good coach understands that everyone has to have the time to get into their own rhythm, but still be held accountable for what they agreed to do.

  8. Beth says:

    You’re welcome Tamarah and thank YOU 🙂 I’ve seen your blog and you are totally headed in the right direction. It may seem slow, but as long as you keep moving forward, you’ll get there. It’s all good 🙂

  9. Beth says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more, Michelle. Finding a mentor that cuts some time off the learning curve, but challenges you to go beyond what you thought was possible can mean the difference between just having an OK business or having one that ROCKS. I’m thinkin’ the second one’s better, don’t you? 🙂

  10. Beth says:

    Thanks AJ…much appreciated 🙂

  11. Beth says:

    Thanks bunches Michele. New entrepreneurs have enough to do without having to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Learning from an expert in the beginning is the best investment a new business owner can make.

  12. Beth says:

    Thanks Denny… goes back to the old saying “don’t reinvent the wheel”. Why go the trial and error route when someone else’s experience can help make the road so much smoother? Have a great one 🙂

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