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Posts Tagged ‘personal development’

Are you Listening To the Voices In your Head?

Posted on: January 23rd, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Are you Listening To the Voices In your Head?

Well? Are you?

You know the one's I mean. It's the little whisper that say's "Why even bother trying that new business. You failed at the last one. What makes you think now will be any different?" or "Are you sure you want to try that? What if you mess up? Everyone will laugh at you"

You've heard it at least once or twice right?

Did it let it stop you? No? Good…

Because for quite a while I let it stop me. Until now…

This is how I finally (yes, I can be a little dense sometimes) caught on and how God taught me a lesson on how to tune it out.

God has such a great sense of humor…Let me explain what I mean.

A few days ago, I had a coaching call with one of my mentors. His name is PJ McClure and he's known as the Mindset Maven. He's a master at cutting through BS to get to the root of a problem and let me tell you my roots ran deep.

See, ever since I got down-sized four years ago, I've made many (and I do mean many) attempts at starting businesses. I'd start 'em, be going great guns and then I'd come to a screeching halt. Dead stop…stuck.


I always had my Real Estate business to fall back on so we didn't starve, but even that wasn't going so well. SO last year I decided to invest in some coaching, heavy duty business coaching and with it came the mindset coaching. Best thing I've ever done for my business. All I can say is Wow!!

Now comes the God's sense of humor part…

The day after a call with PJ came a breakthrough of ginormous proportions. I was taking a goal-setting workshop and by no small
coincidence I was sitting next to a lady who was very sweet, but also very "different" if you get my drift.

As good business people do, we introduced ourselves and I made the mistake of asking "what do you do?" She began at that point to tell me all about this weight loss product she sold that she'd lost 40 pounds on and that it was hard to get used to the taste at first but she got used to it and here's the brochure and here's her card and oh, by the way she also has a biofeedback machine at home to eliminate stress and she needed people to "practice" on so would I come over to her house so she could get the credits toward her certification and…Lordy!

I kept asking myself "what, does she think I'm fat?" Why they heck does she keep rambling on about this stuff. Does she know what she can do with those protein bars? Oooops…was I really thinking that?

Why was I getting so annoyed? At last, the class started.

And the real fun began…

Ever sit near someone who has a comment to say about EVERYTHING the instructor says? Ever sit right next to someone who talks to themselves for no good reason? And when they read, it's out loud in a hushed mumble WHILE the instructor is talking.

Let me tell ya, after about half an hour of that I was ready to come unglued. I've got zero tolerance for someone disrupting a class and especially one I paid good money to go to.

It was right about then I could almost see God smile. Then He whispered, "Tune out the voice and focus".

My classmate kept mumbling and I'd get aggrevated then I'd hear "Tune out the voice and focus".

Sometimes I'm a little slow on the up-take, but this time I got it. One of those ah-ha moments you hear about that stay with you for life.

It wasn't just my neighbor's voice I was being told to tune out, it was also the one I'd been listening to in my head. It was the one I'd let stop me so many times. The one that would always cast doubt or tell me I couldn't or why bother, it won't work anyway. THAT voice.

Finally, peace.

No, she didn't stop talking; but I was no longer listening. I really didn't hear her anymore. For the first time in a long time I was able to concentrate and really focus on the important things. The things I needed to take action on to move my business forward. And I learned that even though that voice may always be there, it's my choice to listen or not.

Next time your little voice of doubt or fear starts chattering, I hope you remember this story. It's always in your power to "tune out the
voice and focus".

Have you ever had an experience like that? A real ah-ha moment that changed the game forever? I'd love to hear your story. Please leave a comment below and share. Until then…

To Your Success,

Beth 🙂

Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in using Social Media Marketing (and some other nifty cool things, too) to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep their ideal customers. After experiencing the devastating effects the housing market crash had on her and her fellow Real Estate peeps, she has made it her mission to get businesses back on track using innovative marketing strategies with an emphasis on Social Media. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore.

Beth has lived in fabulous Las Vegas for 30 years. She's a mom of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 amazing grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, things will turn out just fine". Do you believe that? You should… 🙂



How to Overcome “But-I’m-Not-Good-Enough-itis”

Posted on: September 8th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

We've all have had times in our lives when we felt we weren't good enough.

Maybe it was in school and you thought the other kids were prettier or smarter or more athletic.

Maybe as you got older, you got passed over for the promotion at work or perhaps all your friends were getting married and you were still sitting home alone on Friday nights eating Ben and Jerry's and watching reruns.


You might have even started thinking that the way things are, is the way they are always going to be because you're just not like everyone else.

They're special, they're lucky or they know something that you don't. You're thinking maybe you're not good enough.

When those nasty thoughts creep in your head and you're really starting to feel sorry for yourself…STOP!!

You are good enough…always.

You've heard the phrase, "God don't make no junk"? Well, He doesn't.

Whatever is stopping you from going full out for what you want is nothing that can't be overcome.

"But my situation's different" you might say. And you may be right. I don't know.

What I do know is this. You are here for a reason and your life has a purpose.

There's also a reason you're reading this right now. There are no coincidences, my friends.

If there's a dream in your heart, pursue it. If there's a business you want to start, start it. If there's a trip you want to take, take it.

If you think you're not good enough or you don't deserve to go after what you really want, let me tell you you are and you do.

Are all the circumstances perfect to move forward? Probably not. They never are.

Do you have what it takes to pursue the dream God has placed in your heart? Absolutely!! Otherwise it wouldn't be there.

You are enough…

As always, leave me a comment below and share your struggles and your triumphs. I read each and every one. I'm on your side…always.

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),



When All Else Fails…Keep the Faith

Posted on: August 31st, 2011 by Beth Heilman

We've all had "those" days.

An unexpected bill and more month left than money, someone cut you off in traffic, a bad report from the doctor or an argument with someone you love…

Maybe you've had it all happen at once. I know I have.

For those times you feel like screaming "ENOUGH already!!"…

For those times where all you want to do is go back to bed, turn off the lights and hide from the world, there is one word that will get you through it all…FAITH.

I'm not talking the airy, fairy kind of faith where "everything is great and wonderful" even if your house happens to be burning down around you.

All the positive affirmations in the world aren't going to keep the flames at bay.

The Faith I'm talking about is the deep rooted, absolute knowing that no

matter how bad things may look right now, It WILL be alright.

That kind of Faith is a gift from God and it's yours for the taking. All you have to do is accept it and use it.

If you know any of my story, you know that I've faced some pretty big odds (fibromyalgia, a major job lay-off and bankruptcy to name just a few) and came through with my Faith intact.

There are those of you out there that have come through way worse than me and are such a beautiful example of what having Faith can do. You've had cancer and beat it like my sister, you've lost a job, lost your home, lost a loved one and came through it all even stronger than before. That's Faith in action, my friend and I applaud you for it.

How do you muster up that kind of Faith?

You ask for it. Rather, you ask God to show it to you because truly, it's already in you.

It may be small and it may seem hidden because of some setbacks and disappointments you've had, but it's there. You just have to call it to come forward.

I am a self-acknowledged "Faith Junkie" It's my remedy of choice when my world seems like it's ready to implode.

One of the biggest compliments my man, a self-proclaimed "realist" ever paid me (besides my butt looked really good in my black jeans 🙂 ) was when I was really struggling with a tough situation, but told him I knew it would all work out. He looked me right in the eyes and said "you really have faith, don't you?" "Yes…I do", I told him. He paused for a minute, smiled and said "that's good. Keep it up". I did…and still do.

Don't know how to operate any other way.

And yes, that situation did work out. Because I took the action that needed taken and had the Faith that it would work.

Sometimes we're afraid to "let go and let God" because we've been "let down" so many times in the past. I understand that.

You can't change the past, but you can impact your future by learning from what has been. Those are your life lessons (even though sometimes we wish we could've dropped that class a little earlier).

Where ever you are in your life right now, no matter what you're facing; when you have the Faith you'll make it, you will. Sometimes the results won't be what you expected. Who knows?…Maybe they'll be better!

Keep the Faith, my friends…and MAKE it a wonderful day.

As always, please leave a comment and let me know how you're doing and a time when calling on your Faith has helped you.




No Matter How Things May Look…There Is Always A Way

Posted on: August 18th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

I've collected Tiggers for years. You know who I'm talking about, don't you? That adorable orange and black-striped, child-like sidekick of the timeless character, Winnie The Pooh.

Over the last couple decades I've been given stuffed Tiggers, Tigger coffee mugs, Tigger shirts, Tigger PJ's, Tigger Christmas ornaments…You name it, I've got the Tigger for it.

Why Tigger? Because he's the eternal optomist. No matter what's going on around him, no matter what others are saying, no matter whether it's a "blustery day" or some other such negative happenstance, Tigger believes things will always just fine. Tiggers Bounce Back… 🙂

Are you a Tigger…or are you (oh, bother) an Eeyore?

It's so easy to get sucked in to all the negativity from the news, from friends and from family. Some people only feel normal when they're miserable. There are people who are perfectly content to stay where they are in life and there are people who, no matter what crisis or setback happens to them, they bounce back. They're Tiggers

TIggers believe there's always a way. Each one of us, everyday has a choice to either react to the doom and gloom "out there" or respond by rising above it and decide to succeed in spite of it.

I'll ask you again…are you a Tigger or an Eeyore? I'm hoping you'll join me and my Tiggers. We bounce back 🙂


To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Posted on: August 4th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Whenever you start out on a new path, whether it’s a new exercise program, a new hobby or sport you’ve always wanted to learn or in the case of what we talk about here on this blog, a new business of your own the lesson is always the same…

Learn from someone who’s done it first…and is doing it well.

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Exceptionally well. Learn from someone who’s at least ten steps and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars ahead of you in income.

Broke friends, family or co-workers can’t give you business advise.

That’s why they’re broke.

In other words, Folks. Get a coach. Find a mentor. Build a relationship with someone who’s doing what you want to do and do what they’re doing.

I say that last statement with a very large caveat. I didn’t say copy what they’re doing. Just watch what they’re doing, pick out the things that work for you and here’s the most important part…drum roll please…DO IT.

Starting your own business isn’t for wimps or sissies. Deciding to be an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart.

There will be days, lots of them, when all you want to do is put your head down and cry because things don’t seem to be moving fast enough or, if you do a lot of work online, the internet company has a hiccup and all that stares back at you from your computer screen is total blackness. Eeeeek!

In other words…stuff happens.

If you work from home there are a million and one interuptions that could derail your work plans. That’s when the help of a mentor or coach is just the ticket to get you back on track and keep you there.

You see, they’ve been where you are now. They’ve navigated through all the mess and have figured out how to find success (Hey, I think that rhymes 🙂 )

I’ll leave you with this. The Lone Ranger was only a TV show. Even at that, the Lone Ranger wasn’t alone. He had Tonto. He had Silver. He had the camera crew filming him as he was being the Lone Ranger…get my drift? He couldn’t do it alone.

Neither should you. Your assignment this week is to find yourself a mentor or coach you respect, and who is now where you want to be.  And if they charge more for their expertise than you’re comfortable paying, good. When you make a investment in yourself and your business that makes you want to squirm a little, congratulations, that means you’re growing.

Til next time…Hi Ho Silver…Away 🙂
