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Ooooops…They Did It Again

Well folks, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the economic water…Wall Street (and Congress) laid another goose egg (and this one ain’t golden).

Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island somewhere, since the beginning of August the stock market has been going backwards the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Recession started. The reasons behind it according to all the political pundits don’t amount to a hill of beans.

The reason I’m writing this today is for you.

The purpose of this post today is not to rant, (well, maybe a little) but to impress upon you that change, whether economic or otherwise, is inevitable.

Are you ready for it?

What happens if businesses start laying off again? Is your job secure?

Are you sure?

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve at least toyed with the idea on becoming an entrepreneur…of creating a business of your own.

You want to do the work you love and not have to worry about the boss calling you into his office to tell you that “due to the economy they have to eliminate several positions” and yours is one of them.

I heard those words nearly four years ago. It happened to me. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.

Sadly, at the time I wasn’t very well prepared. You don’t have to go through the heartache that I did.

The time to do something is now. It’s time to really do some soul searching to rediscover your passions. You may have been so caught up in day-to-day responsibilities that you put those dreams, those passions on the back burner.

You told yourself you’d get back to them “some day”.

My friend, someday is here. Take control of your future and your family’s future.

Write your own paycheck by creating your own business (and your own economy) instead of waiting for your boss to hand you the check HE thinks you deserve. You CAN do it. Believe it.

If not now…when? If not you…who?

Believe in you. I do.


10 Responses

  1. denny hagel says:

    Great advice! I think the most important lesson we can all learn from the state of our current government is that we need to take back our personal power, take action to ensure our futures…follow our passion and live out our dreams!

  2. Jody Courtney says:

    Beth, I hope you don’t mind…I’m posting your link everywhere and calling you my “Spunky Friend”! You nailed it! To quote my husband, “There WILL be people who make a lot of money in this economy, but they will not be the people who fight against the current! They will be the ones who change their course and move with the flow!” ~ Ron Courtney

  3. Beth Heilman says:

    Thanks Denny…couldn’t agree with you more. The powers that be in Washington are supposed to be working FOR us. Until people realize they have the power to make a change both personally and on a global scale, things will remain as they are or worse, like that last few days go backward…fast. It’s time for us to take control of our futures and like you said…take action living our dreams.

  4. Beth Heilman says:

    Hi Jody…don’t mind at all. Thanks bunches! And I like “Spunky”, it works for me 🙂 Ron is right. Going against the current is like pushing a rope uphill. A lot of wasted effort and very little progress. Its time we take a good hard look at what we can do to take control of our own futures and do it. If we don’t, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

  5. Olga Hermans says:

    Hi Beth, it all comes down to taking action. When I watch the news about America, my heart breaks really! It is vital for people to stand up ad take care of themselves, that what America was built upon.

  6. So true Beth we have to take responsibility for our future. The government is not going to be the answer to having security since they can change the rules at any time. Why would you leave your future to someone else to control anyway?

  7. Beth Heilman says:

    Hi Olga, you’re right. It does come down to taking action. While people stand around waiting for someone else to “fix” the mess, the folks who take action are finding the solutions and will thrive. It’s like your blog title says…The Choice Driven Life 🙂 Have a magnificent day.

  8. Beth Heilman says:

    Exactly, Kelly. If we leave it up to anyone but ourselves to create our own security, we are giving up our power to be who we are truly created to be. God gave each of us wonderful gifts, it’s up to us to use them. Thanks for bein’ my friend 🙂

  9. Michele says:

    In any economy, at any time, taking personal responsibility is important. Now is no different.

  10. Beth Heilman says:

    Very true, Michele. What’s going on around us is secondary. It’s how we react to it and then take full responsibility for our actions that counts.

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