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Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Keeping your Pipeline Full: Are You Generating Your Own Leads or Relying On Your Company?

Posted on: May 14th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Are You Generating Your Own Leads or Are You Relying On Your Company?

 In the Real Estate business, a constant stream of prospective buyer and seller leads means the difference between being able to pay the bills comfortably or struggling to make ends meet. 

Something happened this past week that really hit home for me the importance of working with people you find as a result of your own efforts.

First let me say that I totally love the broker I work with. Even though it's a fairly good sized company, they still give us all a feeling of
family and I treasure them for that. The situation that happened made me realize how much in control of my business I wasn't when I accepted a corporate relocation lead.

When I got the call to see if I wanted the lead I was told that the relocation company would pay a certain amount for me to show the folks being relocated a home to rent. The required time was a maximum of six hours, in one or two days and they needed to see between four and six possible choices so they could make an informed decision.

No problem, I thought. I've worked with many rental clients and once they give me the area and criteria for the home they want, we can usually find it in an afternoon of hunting. Six hours, piece of cake…NOT!

When I got their "wish list" it had the usual bedroom and bathroom count stuff. They wanted a 3 car garage and hopefully a pool. Easy, peasy.

They wanted no more than a 30 minute drive from the husband's work. Again, no problemo. What I should have paid more attention to (and believe me, I will next time…if there is a next time) were the words "picky" and "leave no stone unturned". They weren't joking.

I met with the wife early in the week armed with a list of nine homes (that she had pre-screened from a list I'd sent days earlier), a full tank of gas and high hopes that we'd find a perfect rental home by the end of the six hours. Uhhhh…no.

Mrs. X (name changed to protect the picky) had her heart set on "the one". A home she'd found online that was way bigger and $600 a month over the HIGH limit of the rent they said they wanted to spend. Oy…I knew I had my work cut out for me at that point.

She knew (because she kept mentioning it) she was only contracted to have six hours from her husband's relocation department to find a suitable home (and believe me, we found some VERY nice ones…the FIRST day), but she asked if we could look for one more day.

Not wanting to disappoint my company, this family and myself by only doing the minimum required, I agreed to meet with her the next day…which became the next…and the next. At one point she asked me to drive her to a dry cleaners because the one at her hotel was too expensive, then she left me waiting for her for 20 minutes in 100 degree heat while she went in a store to "grab a sandwich" (the restaurant food was too expensive) and then ended her house-hunting session by leaving all her lunch trash on the floor of my car!!

No, she didn't ask if I'd mind throwing it away for her. She just got out and left it. Classy, huh?

Long story short, after four days, 20 hours, 21 homes viewed, $125 in gas burned and 45o miles on my SUV, they finally decided which home to RENT. Rent, not buy. They only plan on being in it a year…Lordy!

Now the reason for this long, drawn-out story is to make my point for how important it is to create a targeted marketing plan, a system if you will, to find and attract the clients YOU want to work with.

A big part of that plan should be using Social Media as a way to reach, connect with and build a relationship with your soon-to-be clients. When you're "beholding" to your company to give you leads, you're putting the success of your business in someone else's hands.

When you attract clients by building relationships with them using Social Media as part of your marketing strategy, the control; both of your income and your time, is all yours.

I know you guys have some stories like the one I just lived through πŸ™‚

Share it in the comments below. We'll all have a good giggle together.

Until next time…

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),

Beth πŸ™‚


What’s The Interest With Pinterest?

Posted on: March 5th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

What's the Interest with Pinterest?

There's a new kid in town on the Social Media landscape and it's taking the internet marketing world by storm. So what's all the interest with Pinterest? Pinterest, an image sharing site where fellow "pinterites" (I just thought of that one…cute, huh?) can visit your Pinterest page and "like" and repin photos you've posted on virtual bulletin boards you create within your account.

Folks are pinning things like motivational quotes, yummy recipes, cute critters and very cool clothes. Then there are those (like you and me) that see the enormous business potential this has.

Unlike sites like flickr where folks just go to look at lots of pretty pictures, Pinterest is proving to be a marketing powerhouse with incredible reach. In January 2012 alone, over 10 million visitors frequented Pinterest. Ten Million!! That's a lot of pinning!

For the average business owner Pinterest has enormous potential. For the Real Estate pro (that would be you) using this as one of your marketing channels could blow the doors off how you showcase your listings like nothing you've ever done before.

How, you ask? Let me tell ya…

Say for instance you get a really cool listing. I know, any listing is really cool, but follow me here. You upload photos of the house to the normal channels; your local MLS,, Trulia, Zillow and you throw in Craigslist for good measure. Great job…you're cookin' with gas, and here's where the new kid on the block comes in.

You go to your Pinterest account and create a bulletin board JUST for this listing. You add the photos, put in some really catchy comments and hit the "save" button. The potential for what's next is enormous…

Say you have some fellow "pinterites" (heehee) stop by and repin your photos to their boards. Their friends stop by, people you may have never even met, like what they see and repin to THEIR boards. And so on and so on and…well, you get the picture (yes, pun intended).

But wait, it gets better. Every photo you pin to your board includes a link back to the original "pinner" (that would be you) so anyone interested in finding out more about that particular house can find you. and research shows that over 50% of people who repin, click through to the site the photo originally came from to find out more information. Are you happy dancing yet?

It's a backlink strategy made in heaven. (Note: for those not familiar with backlinks and other internet wizardry stuff, that's why I started Red Leopard Marketing in the first place, so you wouldn't have to try and figure it out. That's my job πŸ™‚ )

Guys, Pinterest knocks most other kinds of ways to visually market your homes on their ear because of the HUGE potential to go viral. People all over the world will be able to check out your listings in a casual, fun way AND had direct access back to YOU!!

Are you excited yet? You should be…

Pinterest is still in the Beta phase as I write this, so you have to be invited to join (and yes, it's free). If you can see how awesome this can be for your business and want to learn more, shoot me a message along with your email and I'll send you an invitation. I look forward to meeting you and seeing what fun things you have to share. And please leave a comment below and let everyone know how you're using Pinterest (or would like to πŸ™‚ ). Until then…

To Your Pinning Success,



Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in using Social Media Marketing (and some other nifty cool things, too) to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep their ideal customers. After experiencing the devastating effects the housing market crash had on her and her fellow Real Estate peeps, she has made it her mission to get businesses back on track using innovative marketing strategies with an emphasis on Social Media. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore. Beth has lived in fabulous Las Vegas for 30 years. She's a mom of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 amazing grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, things will turn out just fine". Believe it…


How to Avoid Bunny Trails When You Work Online

Posted on: January 30th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Facebook and YouTube and LinkedIn, oh my. You know how it goes. You start your day of work online innocently enough logging in to your Twitter account. You see a few tweets with interesting links you want to check out…

Then of course you need to check out Facebook, too. Need to stay on top of the most current streams so you're "in the know" for your customers…

Oh, and then you remember the Farmville invitation you got from your cousin on the East Coast. It won't hurt to play for just a little while.

Next thing you know, you look at the clock and "Oh CRAP!!".

It's noon and nothing on you desk has gotten done. Sound familiar? Know anybody who does that (because we know it's not YOU!!) wink, wink

Ok, enough kidding and I'm certainly not scolding. When you use the Social Media sites for your business, they open up a world of
possibilities that weren't even available a few years ago, but be warned.

They can become the black hole of your productivity and an endless supply of bunny trails if you're not careful. What to do? Thanks, glad you asked πŸ™‚

First and foremost, have your day planned ahead of time. If you don't have a planner or daily calendar or at least a pad of paper with a to-do list sitting on your desk, run to the store and get one…now. You'll be a whole lot less likely to roam around in cyberland if you have a plan.

Second, get thee a timer. Doesn't matter what kind…egg timer, digital timer, stop watch, set the alarm on your phone; something that you can set for a specific amount of time and preferably something that makes a loud, obnoxious noise when it's time to get your nose out of the cyber-barn.

You have important work to do and while it's okay to veg out for a few minutes with some of that stuff, collecting virtual cows and
chickens ain't gonna pay the power bill. Agreed? Moooooving on…

Third tip-o'-the-day is to automate. As much as possible you want to schedule tweets, article posts and the like in programs like Social Oomph ( or my personal favorite, Hootsuite ( Both of these have free and paid versions, both allow for scheduling and posting tweets and updates ahead of time. What a time saver!!

Hootsuite is great because you can hook your YouTube channel, Facebook (both personal profile and business page) and LinkedIn profile and access them all from one dashboard. Now, pre-programming everything will never take the place of live interaction and it's not supposed to.

Social Media is meant to be just that, social. But isn't it nice to be able to pop in to engage in a conversation and pop back out to take care of something in the "real world" (like say, meeting with a client or feeding your kid) and because you programmed things to post throughout the day, your content is getting seen even if you aren't. Bonus!!

And one more thing about Hootsuite. They have an app for iPhone and Android so you can set everything up over the phone!! It's a
HOOT!!…sweet! ;)

So there you have it. Three simple recommendations to corral those bunnies and keep your work day on track. Simple, yes. Sometimes the things that work the best aren't complicated at all. You have work to do…now hop to it.

This is where I ask what your favorite tools are to keep you on the straight and narrow in your business. Please do share below in the comment section. You'll be helping lots of other folks and they thank you…and so do I. Until then…

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),

Beth πŸ™‚

Career Change Agent, Social Media Maven and Realtor Extraordinaire, Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a Social Media Marketing company created to help small businesses and solopreneurs "Connect the Spots Online". Beth is a 30 year Las Vegas resident, a mother of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 wonderful grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, you'll always succeed" and "there is always a way". Do you believe that? You should… πŸ™‚


Fellow Real Estate People: Your Clients Are Checking You Out Online. Will They Like What They See?

Posted on: January 26th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Ahhhh, the internet. Whether you love it, hate it or are somewhere in between the fact is, an amazing tool…and it's here to stay. There's not much that you CAN'T find on the internet. Including information about you.

Do you like what it says? A more important question might be, when a new or prospective client does a search on you Will they like what they see?

Now I'm not talking about old photos that an ex-boyfriend took and posted on his Facebook wall (although if there are any of those floating around, you might want to see about getting rid of 'em). What I'm talking about is the impression folks get when they read your bio on your company's website, or Google your name to find out more about you and how you do business.

It's not any breaking news to Real Estate folks that upwards of 93% of people wanting to buy a home do their searching online before they ever contact a Realtor. It shouldn't come as a surprise then that while that same client is checking out that sweet three bedroom colonial on Maple Street you have listed, they're also checking out… you.

Have you taken ownership of your online presence?

If you haven't, it's time you do before someone else does.

Now, I'm not trying to sound ominous, but in today's society it's the negative that gets reported and you know how people like to talk about the least little negative thing. But let's not dwell on that…

Fact is, in today's internet world you can let people not only know what you do, you kick-butt Real Estate pro, you; but by having your own blog and Social Media presence you can let people know who you are as a person. You get to sell you.

In today's market, it's the person who takes the time to build the relationship with their customer and treats them well that makes the sale. Are you doing something everyday to show prospective clients how awesome you are by sharing a more personal side of you?

I hope so. If you're not, I hate to be the one to break it to you,but you're going to be left behind…or at the very least stagnate where
you're at.

Tomorrow's business goes to the one who builds the relationships today.

Claiming your place on Social Media will help build and nurture those relationships. Are you using it to build your business?

I'd love to hear how you're using Social Media to market and grow your business. Leave a comment below and let me know what you're doing. Until then…

To Your Success,

Beth πŸ™‚

Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in Social Media Marketing to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep quality customers. Beth is a 30 year Las Vegas resident, a mother of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 wonderful grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, you'll always succeed". Do you believe that? You should…

