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Archive for the ‘Marketing For Real Estate Professionals’ Category

5 Reasons Why Real Estate Pros Should Have Their Own Blog

Posted on: July 9th, 2012 by Beth Heilman


5 Reasons Why Real Estate Pros Should Have Their Own Blog

When I talk to my fellow Real Estate peeps and the subject of Marketing Online comes up, the Conversation usually turns to whether or not they, as a Real Estate Pro should have their own blog.
Some argue that since their company or broker has one, that should be good enough, right? Uh, try again. 
If you're depending on just having your picture, your bio and the information your Broker puts on the your company site to bring you 
business, you're putting your career and your paycheck in someone else's hands.
Here's five compelling reasons why you should have your own separate blog…
Compelling Reason #1– You get to show the world who you are as a professional and as a person. By sharing your expertise, your 
personality and the things you enjoy doing, you're bulding a connection with your audience. That's how you attract the clients you really want to work with. How much fun is that?
Compelling Reason #2– You are generating your own leads. In real estate, if you have no prospects, you're out of business. We all know that (some of us all too well) As you share interesting articles, photos and events you're naturally going to have folks who will want to work with you. You won't have to depend on buying leads (that aren't really leads anyway) or relying on referrals from your Broker(some of those splits can really cut into your commissions). 
The days of giving up a big chunk of your paycheck for a referred client will be a thing of the distant past (as it should be ;-)) Also, when you get those blog readers who live in other areas who want to buy or sell, you can refer them to someone in their area and YOU earn the referral fee. 
Now who's smilin' all the way to the bank?
Compelling Reason #3– you get to connect on a more personal level with your clients. Company websites are fine, don't get me wrong; but there, you're just another face in the crowd. Unless you have an outstanding photo (not talking about nose glasses or lime green hair here..although now that I think about it…nah) you're just going to get lumped in with all the other suit-wearing, arm-crossed, smiling agents in your office. 
Think about this a minute. Who do YOU relate with more? A corporate head shot or someone who shares pictures of their kid's Little League game, a mouth-watering  photo of a perfect loaf of bread that just emerged from the oven (with the recipe to go along with it) or a story of how you helped a deserving young couple overcome huge obstacles to become happy homeowners. I'm betting the warm and fuzzy connection gets you every time. Your prospective clients are no different. People want to work with people they have things in common with. Show them that person is you. 
Compelling Reason #4– Your blog is YOUR piece of internet real estate. It's a part of your business that follows you no matter who your Broker is. When you have your own blog (and the marketing funnel that you build to go with it), it's YOURS. You own the domain, you own the content. you own your list of prospects (you will be building a list, won't you? Of course you will) Those are the people you market to for however long you choose to remain in business. 
If you depend on your company site, anyone who goes through their site remains a lead of the company. If you choose to leave and you've been working with folks that came to you through the Broker's site, too bad. 
Any relationship you may have formed will be left at the door when you turn in your keys. Ain't gonna happen if you've generated your own list. 
(Now, all you good Realtor people out there,. I know I don't even need to say this, but you DO need to let your client remain if they're in escrow. Totally not cool to try and take a Buyer or Seller away from your Broker. I'm talking here about the folks who haven't done anything yet. OK…ethics lesson over. Wish I could give you C.E. credits for that πŸ˜‰ )
Compelling Reason #5– It's just plain fun to share your hobbies, favorite hangouts, recipes, and real estate triumphs (and some 
frustrations are OK, too) with your audience. By creating your own blog and sharing who you are and what you know, you're helping folks you may never get to connect with any other way. Here's a scenario that happens a lot. 
Someone on the polar opposite end of the country reads your blog post about a really cool event you and your family just went to in your town. 
That same person just found out they're getting a job transfer to your area (that's why they were reading about the event) and sees that you're a Realtor. 
They already feel connected with you by reading your blog and like your style, your sense of humor and the way you posted a picture of your two year-old holding her ice cream cone and letting your puppy take a lick. (If you're gonna be real, you may as well go all in, right?) Who do you think they're going to call to help them relocate? If you don't say you, I'm going to thump you right now…hard. πŸ˜‰
Yes, they're going to turn to you. You've shown yourself to be warm and genuine. They get how much you love what you do and want to help them. 
They wouldn't even think about looking for someone else. Besides, they want to see the puppy…giggle. 
You got in this business because you want to help people and solve their problems (and make good money in the process). SO do it already and enjoy it while you're at it.
These are the five most compelling reasons why you, as a realtor should have your own blog. Can you think of any more? Do you have your own blog yet? Let me know in the comments below. And if you have any questions about how to get started, ask me that too. I'll be happy to help. Until next time…
To your blogging success,
Sonrisas (smiles),

Social Media For Real Estate-Where Are the Best Places To Get Started?

Posted on: June 4th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

You've been hearing it for a long time. To succeed in the real estate biz these days, you have to be online. Specifically, you need to be on Social Media.

But with all the Social Media sites out there and all the choices available, the question I hear the most is "Where do I start"?

You may have been asking yourself the same thing, so today I want to give you a little crash course in Social Media 101…

First of all, all Social Media sites are not created equal. They have different uses (and users) and to a point their own language.

Let me explain.

The sites that will get you the most traction when your looking for potential buyers, sellers and property management opportunities are what I call the Big 4.

They are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Here's why these Social Media sites are where you want to start.

1) The daily, no, hourly, no, every darn minute activity is huge. These sites are where the majority of your potential clients hang out.

2) You can post all kinds of photos, videos, links to articles, podcasts…you name it. You know the kinds of things your potential
clients are looking for and enjoy seeing. Give it to them. When you do, they'll share, retweet, and repin your content with their friends and it goes viral. The better (and more consistent) your content, the more it gets shared and the more people you'll reach.

3) Both Facebook and LinkedIn have groups you can join depending on your interests and the interests of your clients. It's like those breakfast networking meetings or nighttime mixers on steroids. People from all over the world join groups or form groups. They cut down the noise that can get pretty overwhelming at times and keep a focus on the thing that the folks in the group are most interested in. Get in a group (or three πŸ˜‰ ), answer questions and be your usual helpful self, and people will naturally be drawn to you…and you don't have to drive across town.


4) Pinterest has become a Social Media phenomenon. Mostly because Pinterest is all about pictures. Have a great listing you want to get exposure for? Make a Pin board for it. Have a photo of a happy buyer getting their keys? Post it with a little testimonial of what an awesome agent you are. The possibilities are endless and I've never seen a Social Media site that gets a quicker response than Pinterest.

Convinced yet that marketing using Social Media is the way to go? I hope so. It's definitely here to stay so get familiar with it, get
comfortable with it and most of all…have fun with it. You'll be glad you did.

Are you marketing your business on Social Media? Come visit me on Facebook at and let me know how you're doing. Until then…

To your Social Media Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),



What’s The Interest With Pinterest?

Posted on: March 5th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

What's the Interest with Pinterest?

There's a new kid in town on the Social Media landscape and it's taking the internet marketing world by storm. So what's all the interest with Pinterest? Pinterest, an image sharing site where fellow "pinterites" (I just thought of that one…cute, huh?) can visit your Pinterest page and "like" and repin photos you've posted on virtual bulletin boards you create within your account.

Folks are pinning things like motivational quotes, yummy recipes, cute critters and very cool clothes. Then there are those (like you and me) that see the enormous business potential this has.

Unlike sites like flickr where folks just go to look at lots of pretty pictures, Pinterest is proving to be a marketing powerhouse with incredible reach. In January 2012 alone, over 10 million visitors frequented Pinterest. Ten Million!! That's a lot of pinning!

For the average business owner Pinterest has enormous potential. For the Real Estate pro (that would be you) using this as one of your marketing channels could blow the doors off how you showcase your listings like nothing you've ever done before.

How, you ask? Let me tell ya…

Say for instance you get a really cool listing. I know, any listing is really cool, but follow me here. You upload photos of the house to the normal channels; your local MLS,, Trulia, Zillow and you throw in Craigslist for good measure. Great job…you're cookin' with gas, and here's where the new kid on the block comes in.

You go to your Pinterest account and create a bulletin board JUST for this listing. You add the photos, put in some really catchy comments and hit the "save" button. The potential for what's next is enormous…

Say you have some fellow "pinterites" (heehee) stop by and repin your photos to their boards. Their friends stop by, people you may have never even met, like what they see and repin to THEIR boards. And so on and so on and…well, you get the picture (yes, pun intended).

But wait, it gets better. Every photo you pin to your board includes a link back to the original "pinner" (that would be you) so anyone interested in finding out more about that particular house can find you. and research shows that over 50% of people who repin, click through to the site the photo originally came from to find out more information. Are you happy dancing yet?

It's a backlink strategy made in heaven. (Note: for those not familiar with backlinks and other internet wizardry stuff, that's why I started Red Leopard Marketing in the first place, so you wouldn't have to try and figure it out. That's my job πŸ™‚ )

Guys, Pinterest knocks most other kinds of ways to visually market your homes on their ear because of the HUGE potential to go viral. People all over the world will be able to check out your listings in a casual, fun way AND had direct access back to YOU!!

Are you excited yet? You should be…

Pinterest is still in the Beta phase as I write this, so you have to be invited to join (and yes, it's free). If you can see how awesome this can be for your business and want to learn more, shoot me a message along with your email and I'll send you an invitation. I look forward to meeting you and seeing what fun things you have to share. And please leave a comment below and let everyone know how you're using Pinterest (or would like to πŸ™‚ ). Until then…

To Your Pinning Success,



Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in using Social Media Marketing (and some other nifty cool things, too) to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep their ideal customers. After experiencing the devastating effects the housing market crash had on her and her fellow Real Estate peeps, she has made it her mission to get businesses back on track using innovative marketing strategies with an emphasis on Social Media. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore. Beth has lived in fabulous Las Vegas for 30 years. She's a mom of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 amazing grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, things will turn out just fine". Believe it…


Fellow Real Estate People: Your Clients Are Checking You Out Online. Will They Like What They See?

Posted on: January 26th, 2012 by Beth Heilman

Ahhhh, the internet. Whether you love it, hate it or are somewhere in between the fact is, an amazing tool…and it's here to stay. There's not much that you CAN'T find on the internet. Including information about you.

Do you like what it says? A more important question might be, when a new or prospective client does a search on you Will they like what they see?

Now I'm not talking about old photos that an ex-boyfriend took and posted on his Facebook wall (although if there are any of those floating around, you might want to see about getting rid of 'em). What I'm talking about is the impression folks get when they read your bio on your company's website, or Google your name to find out more about you and how you do business.

It's not any breaking news to Real Estate folks that upwards of 93% of people wanting to buy a home do their searching online before they ever contact a Realtor. It shouldn't come as a surprise then that while that same client is checking out that sweet three bedroom colonial on Maple Street you have listed, they're also checking out… you.

Have you taken ownership of your online presence?

If you haven't, it's time you do before someone else does.

Now, I'm not trying to sound ominous, but in today's society it's the negative that gets reported and you know how people like to talk about the least little negative thing. But let's not dwell on that…

Fact is, in today's internet world you can let people not only know what you do, you kick-butt Real Estate pro, you; but by having your own blog and Social Media presence you can let people know who you are as a person. You get to sell you.

In today's market, it's the person who takes the time to build the relationship with their customer and treats them well that makes the sale. Are you doing something everyday to show prospective clients how awesome you are by sharing a more personal side of you?

I hope so. If you're not, I hate to be the one to break it to you,but you're going to be left behind…or at the very least stagnate where
you're at.

Tomorrow's business goes to the one who builds the relationships today.

Claiming your place on Social Media will help build and nurture those relationships. Are you using it to build your business?

I'd love to hear how you're using Social Media to market and grow your business. Leave a comment below and let me know what you're doing. Until then…

To Your Success,

Beth πŸ™‚

Beth Heilman is a 20 year Real Estate veteran and Owner/CEO of Red Leopard Marketing, a company specializing in Social Media Marketing to help Real Estate Professionals attract, engage and keep quality customers. Beth is a 30 year Las Vegas resident, a mother of four great kiddos and a "gramita" to 10 wonderful grandmunchkins. Her philosophy in business and in life is "when you do the right things for the right reasons, you'll always succeed". Do you believe that? You should…

