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Archive for the ‘Entrepreneur’ Category

Being About Your Business: Are You Looking For Advice Or Approval?

Posted on: July 11th, 2011 by Beth Heilman


Are You Looking For Advice or Approval?

So many times when we’re stuck in the middle of making a decision, or moving forward in our businesses,
we go to our friends and family for advice.

What do they think?

Are You Looking For Business Advice...Or Approval?

Looking For Biz Advice...Or Approval?

If they were in our shoes, what would they do?

We think we’re being prudent in asking for advice, but are we really?

So many times we tell ourselves we’re asking for advice when we’re really wanting approval.

There is a difference.

Advice is information you seek out about something you’re considering doing from someone who’s done it before you.
They literally have a mental library of past experience, successes and failures, to pull from.

Most times when we go to our friends and family for advice it’s for something they have little or no experience in
(and secretly we know that).

Deep down we either want them to make us feel all warm and fuzzy about the plans we’re making. We want their approval.

The flip side of that is when we ask those closest to us what they think of our plans and they shoot more holes in them
than a slice of swiss cheese, we abandon our plans.

We’ve now justified in our own heads all the reasons why this new thing won’t work.
We abandon our plans because of the opinions of folks who can’t even remember the last time they tried something new.

And we choose to stay small.

How sad.

The moral of the story? Only seek advice, real advice from those who have been where you want to go.
Then…and here’s the most important part…DO IT!

Advice or approval…success or mediocrity? The choice is up to you.


Daily Grind or Daily Grin? The Difference is in the “D”

Posted on: June 18th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Here’s a question for you…when you think of the work you do, the way you make your living, what’s your reaction?

The Entrepreneur Decision

Do your shoulders droop and the big black cloud of doom hover overhead because you’re not happy with what your doing?


Does a big wide smile come across your face because you love what you do for a living so much it doesn’t even feel like work?

My hope for you is the second scenario, but the reality for the majority of folks (at least until I get ahold of ’em) is they feel trapped in unfulfilling work because they “have to pay the bills”. They’ve become a victim of the “Daily Grind” instead of doing work that’s truly meaningful for them. At first, they feel like they have no choice when in reality all they have to do it take care of that darned “d”, as in DECIDE.

In other words, rather than feeling stuck, they just need help d-eciding to do something different.

Can you really make a living doing something you love? Something you’re passionate about?

Not only yes, but a big, fat, hairy YES!

Set some time aside this weekend and just think…just dream. What is it you love to do; that you’d do all day long whether you got paid for it or not? Write those things down. Make a list of whatever comes to mind and then see if there’s a way you could actually make money doing it.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. What seems at first like a crazy idea could be a million dollar business-to-be.

So which will it be? Daily Grind or Daily Grin? It all starts with a dream, but the difference is in the “D”, the D-ecision to do what you love.

I think it was Confucius who said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.

Confucius was right…

What do you think about creating a business doing what you love? Leave me a comment below… šŸ™‚
