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Posts Tagged ‘entrepreneur’

The Way To Overcome Resistance Is With Action

Posted on: August 30th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Ever get something in your head that you just KNEW you were supposed to do?

It could be losing weight…or moving to a new location…or starting a new business (one of my personal favorites πŸ™‚ )

The excitement builds, all the pieces are in place. You may even have your friends and family on board ready to cheer you on in this next exciting step in your life and all of a sudden…WHAM!!

You stop dead in your tracks. Suddenly all the motivation is gone. Even doing the laundry and cleaning the cat box sound like more fun than following through on your new plan.

It's the killer of dreams and the squasher of all things even remotely looking like personal growth or forward movement in your life.

The one sure-fire way to tell if the thing you're wanting to do is really what you're supposed to be doing is when Resistance starts
rearing it's ugly head.

How do you overcome Resistance? Take ACTION.

Do what it is you need to be doing whether you feel like it or not. And whether you're scared to or not. This exposes Resistance for what it really is.

You see, Resistance likes the status quo. It wants you to stay safe and small. The moment you make a decision and start moving forward in your life, good ol' resistance will start following you like a shadow.

You'll procrastinate, you'll rationalize. In it's strongest form, you may even get depressed or sick.

There's a fantastic book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield that goes into wonderful detail how resistance in all it's forms, shows up and tries to keep you stuck. I highly recommend it to anyone who knows they've been called to greater things, but just can't seem to "get it in gear".

It doesn't matter a step you take, but do something that will move you closer to where you want to be…whatever that is for you. Take action today.

If you're feeling stuck right now, but know in your heart of hearts you've been called to do bigger things and play a bigger game, I
encourage you to get "The War of Art".  

It will be a game changer for you…it was for me.

Remember one thing about taking action when you're feeling resistance.

It's kind of like turning the light on in a dark room. The room seems spooky and unfamiliar until you flip the switch then…POOF!

Now you can step into that room because you can see. No more fumbling around (procrastinating and avoiding) because you know what's in front of you and what to walk around.

Action is your light switch…flip it today.

Leave a comment below and let me know how YOU overcome resistance. Love to hear from you πŸ™‚


You Can Profit From Your Passions

Posted on: August 15th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Being of the Real Estate Agent persuasion for the last 20 years, you might say that home sales and all things related is in my DNA.

That’s why when I chose to become a coach, help folks become entrepreneurs and show them how to figure out
“what they want to do when they grow up”, I naturally gravitated toward Real Estate Agents as clients.

Changing Course

After all, they’re “my people”. We speak the same language. And we’ve been through the roller coaster that’s been the economy of the last few years.

That’s why I’m so excited to announce that I’m guest speaking at a teleclass Monday, August 15 at 8PM EST. The teleclass series is the work of Valerie Young of Valerie is the “dreamer in residence” at Changing Course and the creator of the “Profiting From Your Passions Career Coach” course that I became involved with a few months ago.

I’ll be speaking about the “7 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Make Money In This Economy…Without Selling A House”.

What I’ll be covering isn’t strictly for those in the Real Estate industry, but for anyone who’s been kicked in the tail by the economy and never wants to have to depend on someone else for their paycheck again.

You have talents, gifts and passions that you could easily make money with. ( Come on now…you know you do). Why settle for a job (and life) that’s “just OK”? You can have the life of your dreams and that includes working at what you love.

Here’s the link to sign up for Valerie’s newsletter, to find out more about the Changing Course Club where you’ll have access to the call series. Hope to see you there.


Ooooops…They Did It Again

Posted on: August 9th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Well folks, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the economic water…Wall Street (and Congress) laid another goose egg (and this one ain’t golden).

Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island somewhere, since the beginning of August the stock market has been going backwards the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Recession started. The reasons behind it according to all the political pundits don’t amount to a hill of beans.

The reason I’m writing this today is for you.

The purpose of this post today is not to rant, (well, maybe a little) but to impress upon you that change, whether economic or otherwise, is inevitable.

Are you ready for it?

What happens if businesses start laying off again? Is your job secure?

Are you sure?

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve at least toyed with the idea on becoming an entrepreneur…of creating a business of your own.

You want to do the work you love and not have to worry about the boss calling you into his office to tell you that “due to the economy they have to eliminate several positions” and yours is one of them.

I heard those words nearly four years ago. It happened to me. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.

Sadly, at the time I wasn’t very well prepared. You don’t have to go through the heartache that I did.

The time to do something is now. It’s time to really do some soul searching to rediscover your passions. You may have been so caught up in day-to-day responsibilities that you put those dreams, those passions on the back burner.

You told yourself you’d get back to them “some day”.

My friend, someday is here. Take control of your future and your family’s future.

Write your own paycheck by creating your own business (and your own economy) instead of waiting for your boss to hand you the check HE thinks you deserve. You CAN do it. Believe it.

If not now…when? If not you…who?

Believe in you. I do.


Your Ideal Client: Narrow Your Focus For A Broader Reach- Part 2

Posted on: August 2nd, 2011 by Beth Heilman

In the last post we talked about narrowing down your focus when you’re looking for your ideal client.

We talked about how what’s called the “shotgun approach” to marketing never works. You can’t be all things to all people.

But how do you identify your ideal client? Who are they really and how do you find them?

Find Your Ideal Client

Find Your Ideal Client

For starters, look at all the customers you have now. Who is it you enjoy working with the most?

Are they in a certain age group? Are they men or women? What does your product do for them? Are they business owners or do they work for some one else? Are they single parents?

Demographics like age, gender. and family status and are just one part of the equation.

The other part and (probably the biggest part) of that same equation is:

What problem does your product solve?

If you have a great weight loss solution, do you work with people who have 5-10 pounds to lose and want to look fabulous for an upcoming class reunion or do they have 50, 100, 150 pounds or more to lose and if they don’t, they might not be here in 5 years.

How you talk to, market to and where you find those people who have a true obesity problem will be
light years different than the class reunion crowd.

Another example I can give you is my ideal client…you.

You’re more than likely here because you want to have your own business. You’re just starting out or most likely haven’t even started one yet. You probably aren’t sure yet what you want to do when you grow up, you just know that what you’re doing now isn’t it πŸ™‚

You may have gotten the rug pulled out from under you when the housing market crashed like I did, but the thought of taking just any old job earning way less than you’re used to makes you want to cry.

You’re smart, you’re ambitious, you have tons of great ideas and things you love to do, but you’re not sure how to turn that into a business, a successful business, that not only earns you a great living, it allows you a great life. You’re who I love working with. πŸ™‚

How can you find the clients you’ll love working with? You go where they are. We’re so lucky that with the internet, we have the whole world at our fingertips. There are online forums on nearly every conceivable topic, there are groups on social media like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

For those of you who prefer face-to-face interaction there’s are meet-up groups all over the country. Go online and search for the problem your product solves then add forum or blog (for a virtual online meeting) or meeting after it and then add your city.

Ex: weight loss + forum OR dog lovers + meet up + san diego

Easy peasy, right?

Here’s another example for you. Some of my ideal clients happen to be Realtors. They were really hit hard in the housing crunch and many are just barely making it, but they’re not sure what else to do. I also
happen to be a Realtor so I definitely speak the language.

(Hint: always speak to your ideal client in the language they understand(no, I’m not saying learn a foreign language). If you deal with folks primarily in one profession ie; doctors, mortgage folks,
attorneys, truck drivers, chefs; learn some of the “industry speak” that they use.

Bottom line…meet them where they are. They’ll appreciate the effort and will feel more comfortable talking with you.

And always, always, (did I say always?) come from a place of service, sincerity and authenticity. People are savvy and will spot a phony (or someone who only wants to make a quick sale) a mile away. I know that’s not you πŸ™‚

Finding your ideal client is a breeze when you really narrow down who you want to work with and the problem you can help them solve.

Let me know any ideas or any questions you have about where you can look for your ideal client.

Then again how would you like it if your ideal client found you?…

I’ll show you how in some upcoming posts. Until then…

Make it a wondermous day!

Sonrisas (smiles),


Your Ideal Client: Narrow Your Focus For A Broader Reach

Posted on: July 28th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

As small business owners, it makes sense to reach out to as many potential customers as we humanly can.The reasoning behind this is that the more people we can see, talk to or get to visit us the more we’ll sell, right?


It sounds counter-intuitive I know, but not everyone is your customer. That’s a good thing…really.

Let me ask you something…

Is it easier to write, video or speak a marketing message that tries to attract the attention of a huge group of people? Or is it easier to concentrate on a very specific problem that a specific group of people is having and speak to that.

Ideal Client

I’m thinkin’ it’s the second one. Here’s an example…

Years ago I was very active in a Direct Sales Company that sold skin care products. The products were fabulous (still are) and the general feeling of the powers-that-be of the company was that it should be a no-brainer to sell because “everyone has skin”.

Yes, everyone DOES have skin, but not everyone wants the sames results for their skin.

Some is dry, some is oily, some has break-outs, some is getting kinda crinkly around the edges. You get the idea, right?

The best and most effective way to sell in any business (yes, I said sell. It’s not a bad word) is to narrow your focus and identify the customers you want to work with and help the most. Direct all your marketing towards them.

Talk to them like you’d talk with a friend over lunch and see how easy (and fun) it is to build a relationship with them that will keep them a customer for years to come. Narrowing your focus won’t cut down on the number of people you serve. It will strengthen your relationship with the right people…your ideal customers.

How do you figure out who your Ideal Client is and where do you find them? Stay tuned for the next post and I’ll tell ya πŸ™‚

In the mean time, your input is really important to me. Leave a comment below and let me know how I can help you in your business. Til next time…
