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Archive for the ‘Work From Home’ Category

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Posted on: August 4th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Whenever you start out on a new path, whether it’s a new exercise program, a new hobby or sport you’ve always wanted to learn or in the case of what we talk about here on this blog, a new business of your own the lesson is always the same…

Learn from someone who’s done it first…and is doing it well.

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

To Ensure Success, Follow Success

Exceptionally well. Learn from someone who’s at least ten steps and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars ahead of you in income.

Broke friends, family or co-workers can’t give you business advise.

That’s why they’re broke.

In other words, Folks. Get a coach. Find a mentor. Build a relationship with someone who’s doing what you want to do and do what they’re doing.

I say that last statement with a very large caveat. I didn’t say copy what they’re doing. Just watch what they’re doing, pick out the things that work for you and here’s the most important part…drum roll please…DO IT.

Starting your own business isn’t for wimps or sissies. Deciding to be an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart.

There will be days, lots of them, when all you want to do is put your head down and cry because things don’t seem to be moving fast enough or, if you do a lot of work online, the internet company has a hiccup and all that stares back at you from your computer screen is total blackness. Eeeeek!

In other words…stuff happens.

If you work from home there are a million and one interuptions that could derail your work plans. That’s when the help of a mentor or coach is just the ticket to get you back on track and keep you there.

You see, they’ve been where you are now. They’ve navigated through all the mess and have figured out how to find success (Hey, I think that rhymes 🙂 )

I’ll leave you with this. The Lone Ranger was only a TV show. Even at that, the Lone Ranger wasn’t alone. He had Tonto. He had Silver. He had the camera crew filming him as he was being the Lone Ranger…get my drift? He couldn’t do it alone.

Neither should you. Your assignment this week is to find yourself a mentor or coach you respect, and who is now where you want to be.  And if they charge more for their expertise than you’re comfortable paying, good. When you make a investment in yourself and your business that makes you want to squirm a little, congratulations, that means you’re growing.

Til next time…Hi Ho Silver…Away 🙂


Daily Grind or Daily Grin? The Difference is in the “D”

Posted on: June 18th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Here’s a question for you…when you think of the work you do, the way you make your living, what’s your reaction?

The Entrepreneur Decision

Do your shoulders droop and the big black cloud of doom hover overhead because you’re not happy with what your doing?


Does a big wide smile come across your face because you love what you do for a living so much it doesn’t even feel like work?

My hope for you is the second scenario, but the reality for the majority of folks (at least until I get ahold of ’em) is they feel trapped in unfulfilling work because they “have to pay the bills”. They’ve become a victim of the “Daily Grind” instead of doing work that’s truly meaningful for them. At first, they feel like they have no choice when in reality all they have to do it take care of that darned “d”, as in DECIDE.

In other words, rather than feeling stuck, they just need help d-eciding to do something different.

Can you really make a living doing something you love? Something you’re passionate about?

Not only yes, but a big, fat, hairy YES!

Set some time aside this weekend and just think…just dream. What is it you love to do; that you’d do all day long whether you got paid for it or not? Write those things down. Make a list of whatever comes to mind and then see if there’s a way you could actually make money doing it.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. What seems at first like a crazy idea could be a million dollar business-to-be.

So which will it be? Daily Grind or Daily Grin? It all starts with a dream, but the difference is in the “D”, the D-ecision to do what you love.

I think it was Confucius who said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.

Confucius was right…

What do you think about creating a business doing what you love? Leave me a comment below… 🙂


Laid-off, Downsized and Unemployed-Reinventing Yourself in Today’s Crazy Economy

Posted on: November 8th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Time To Reinvent YourselfThese days you can’t turn on the news, open a newspaper or surf the internet without getting bombarded with headlines warning of impending doom for the economy. Now, don’t get me wrong, as a country we’re in a mess financially. Just the housing crisis alone is enough to make you want to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head. Unfortunately, that won’t keep the power on or a roof over your head.

If you’re fortunate enough to still be gainfully employed, count your blessings. For those of you (and I’m talking about myself here, too) that have been on the other side of the bosses desk when those dreaded words came..”Your position is being eliminated”, there is life after a J-O-B.

Let me tell you briefly what happened to me. I was in the real estate industry for nearly 17 years as a New Home Sales Agent. Worked for a builder, had great insurance, paid my dues by studying the industry and working my way up through the ranks. It was pretty darned comfortable. Life was good during the boom a few years ago. We had people waiting on lists to get houses. Talk about having a captive audience.

Then as things started to cool off and all the crazy loans started to go bad, those of us on the front lines could see what was coming. Unfortunately some of the major mortgage companies and builders were too busy counting their profits to notice and refused to scale back. The result is what you see on the news today, foreclosures, businesses closing and a lot of hard-working people out of work. I was one of those people.

What’s a person to do when the rug gets pulled out from under you in this goofy economy? There’s several things actually, but short of doing anything illegal or immoral(I’m smiling as I write that), take a good hard look at your strengths, talents and passions and reinvent yourself.

What do I mean by that? You know you have things you’re good at and enjoy doing that would translate very well into another line of work, possibly even your own business. The only limits are your imagination. And these days, the internet makes it possible to reach people you never would have met otherwise. It’s a home based business persons dream come true.

Here are just a few ideas:

Are you good at administrative and organizational stuff? How about being a Virtual Assistant? A V.A. is someone who works from home, but who sets appointments, sends emails, and does all the tasks of an assistant who works in an office, but you do it from home (and save on gas and dry cleaning bills)

Are you an animal person? How about making a video (or writing an e-book) on how to train that stubborn puppy dog? THen, make it available online.

A coffee or tea lover? How about producing a video on making the perfect cup of tea and then include it with every purchase from the wonderful tea company you represent? All that can be done online.

Into Health and Nutrition? Start a blog on all the tips and tricks you’ve learned over the years. There are some wonderful network marketing companies in the Health and Nutrition field you could represent. Find a product you can really be passionate about. You can help folks stay healthy and build your own business in what’s projected to be a $1 trillion industry.

Those are just a fraction of what can be done. Let your mind wander. Allow yourself to dream and before you know it, your perfect opportunity will present itself. You’ve heard the saying that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Your lemonade will be when you realize that the one security you have in these crazy times is you. There’s an unlimited number of possibilities available to you when you do a little soul-searching and start to think “outside the box”. Forgive the cliche, but it’s true.

Don’t let Wall Street, the evening news or your old boss have control over you or your finances anymore. That lay-off may have been a blessing in disguise when you use it as an opportunity to find your passion, live your dreams and earn a living that you never thought possible. Then, unless you want to, you’ll never have to work a J-O-B again.

Have you or anyone you know had the proverbial job rug pulled out from under them? Leave a comment and let me know how you’re doing and what you’ve done to overcome “pink slip shock”.


Social Media Levels The Playing Field For Small Business

Posted on: September 30th, 2010 by Beth Heilman

It used to be, and not that long ago, that to be successful in a home based business you got the word out by making a list, calling your list, getting rejected by most of those people on your list, and then once you’d burned through that list, the next step would be buying leads that more times than not would cost much and produce little. Today there’s a much better way.Social Media Marketing

Now with Web 2.0 where people all over the world can interact with each other in the blink of an eye, and the social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, even the beginning home business owner can create the same amount of exposure for their business as the big guys.

There are so many different ways to promote your business online and the really cool thing is that you can choose the methods that you like the best. Let’s talk about just a few of them.

Social Networking Sites– Unless someone has just flown in from a remote deserted island, nearly everyone has heard of sites like Facebook and MySpace. They aren’t just for teenagers sharing music anymore. The big thing to remember though is that there is an etiquette when talking to folks on these social sites.

Imagine being at a huge party, are you going to go up to everyone you meet for the first time and say “Hi, my name is Al. I represent the most awesome, super-duper advanced mega product and you just have to buy it.  As a matter of fact, it’s so good that if you don’t buy it, your life will go down the toilet.”

Obviously I’m exagerating, but I’ve been on Facebook and MySpace for nearly a year and let me tell ya, those people are out there. Don’t be one of them. I had one guy make a comment on my Facebook status (status is kind of an update on what you’re doing at the moment like, Beth is… getting ready to make another blog post) because I’d mentioned I was needing some coffee and he was pitching me on his no caffeine energy drink.  Not exactly a great first impression, besides, I love my caffeine.

Websites and blogs– It used to be that to put a website online, you had to be a techy in the computer department. Thank heaven that’s not the case anymore. Now it’s possible to build an entire online business presence without knowing any computer mumbo-jumbo geeky stuff. This blog is a great example of how easy it is to reach people online. You can literally be reaching new customers and business builders within minutes.

Online Advertising– I know what you’re thinking. Advertising, lots of money, no budget, can’t do it. Yes, you can. Did you know you can advertise for free on websites like Traffic Swarm (a traffic exchange site), CraigsListWalmart (yes, Walmart) and many others? There are also low budget places like ezines (electronic magazines), paid website ads and when you’ve gotten a little experience, pay-per-click ads on Google and MSN. (I’ll be doing training on that in the near future)

Bottom line is, you can do it. The very cool thing is that marketing online virtually eliminates rejection because you’re talking to the people who want to talk to you, and who want what you have to offer.

What a great way to build your business. How do you use social media in your business? Do you use social media in your marketing? Please leave a comment and let me know what’s working for you 🙂


How To Stay Focused Working From Home

Posted on: September 2nd, 2010 by Beth Heilman

Most of us Home-Based Business Owners and Network Marketers who have worked a “real job” have dreamed of the day when we could finally give our notice, tell the boss good-bye and never look back. Ahh, freedom. It’s a beautiful thing.

Freedom is a funny thing, though. On the one hand, when you have your own business you can do what you want when you want to. On the other hand, because you can do what you want when you want to, it’s really easy to not do anything.

Keep Your Focus

Keep Your Focus

It’s also really easy to get caught up in “busy work” and put the things that will make you money on the bottom of the “to do” list.

The other day I got a really cool video from Eban Pagan promoting his course “Wake Up Productive”. In that video he talks about all the time that gets wasted in non-productive things like checking email, surfing the net (in the name of research) and returning phone calls that could be put off until later, or even delegated to someone else.

Here are some suggestions.

Figure out when your most productive times are. Let’s face it. Some of us are morning people and some are night owls. While I might get my best work done in the mornings and early afternoon, you might do better to sleep late and work later in the day. The cool thing about most of our businesses is that they’re international, so sending an email from the west coast at two in the morning would get to a business associate in Australia at a normal time. Work with your own internal clock instead of against it.

Set aside blocks of uninterrupted time to focus on just one project. Schedule one to two hour blocks of time and don’t work on anything else but that one thing. There’s no such thing as multi-tasking folks, as much as we’ve heard all the hype about it. Try this little experiment. Think about a green dog now at the same time think about a purple elephant. You have to focus on one or the other (and you can alternate between the two of them pretty fast), but you can only concentrate on one thing at once.

So many of us home based business types will simultaneously be talking on the phone to a prospect, while checking our email, while writing ourselves a reminder about something at our kid’s school and what did we really accomplish? Our prospect (the most important person in this scenario) isn’t getting the full attention he or she deserves and they can feel it. We give up effectiveness in the name of efficiency and nothing important gets accomplished.

The bottom line is this. The freedom of a home based business is in being disciplined with your time.

When you’re writing an article or blog post for your marketing campaign, do only that. Give it your complete attention and don’t stop until it finished.

When you block out time for your follow-up calls, do only that. Then your prospects have your undivided attention and they’ll be able to feel that you’re really listening to them. That you really care about what’s important to them.

When you can master your time and focus all your energy on one project at a time, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you’ll be and how much extra time you’ll have for all the fun things in life.

