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Archive for the ‘Entrepreneur’ Category

The Number One Speed Bump to An Entrepreneur’s Success

Posted on: October 24th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

While it's no secret that going into business for yourself can be a challenge ( heck, it can be downright scary), but the number one speed bump on the road to success is one itty bitty word…sales.

For some folks, just the thought of having to sell something to someone makes them break out in a cold sweat like they have the latest strain of the flu.

Why is this? As someone who made the bulk of her living as a Real Estate Agent for 20 years, and making commission-only at that, the idea of helping a customer solve a problem with a product I represent makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Selling them what they need is actually serving them.

To withhold what I know will help them solve a pressing problem or make them feel better actually feels selfish…now.

There was a time however when I could completely relate to how my sales team and coaching clients feel.

Sales was scary. There were sales trainers teaching techniques that were in a word…manipulative. It felt unnatural to memorize 20 different closes (remember the Ben Franklin close?).

Today, sales is all about building relationships and to that I say, "Yipee!!"

For entrepreneurs that should be a breath of fresh air.

Most entrepreneurs are "people people" and creating and nurturing relationships is what we do best. Things change though when that "sales" words gets tacked to it.

It's time to stop all the weirdness and get comfortable with the idea of serving your customers by getting them involved with your product or service.

Want to feel comfortable with the sales process and smooth out the speedbump? Put the focus on serving your customer with what you have to offer and take the focus off feeling like you're doing something "to them". You'll succeed when it becomes about them and what they want. The result will show themselves in happy, repeat customers; a sense of pride and satifaction is your business and oh, a healthy bank account.

How do you feel about the selling process in your business? Are you satisfied with it or are there things you want to change? Leave a comment below and let's talk. Until then…Make it  wondermous day 🙂

To your Sales Success,



You Call That Customer Service…Really?

Posted on: September 26th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Customer service is a subject that should be on the top of the list for every business, but especially when you're a small business or an entrepreneur.

I had something happen to me yesterday that still has me asking, "Huh? You really just said that?"

Here's the skinny. As most of you know, in my "other life" I'm a Realtor and although I don't do it full time, I do still work with referral

In this particular situation, I was the referral agent for someone who rented a house. Easy transaction. Show the client the house, send them to the agent who has the house listed (with all necessary paperwork in hand), client rents the house, I get paid. No brainer, right?


My client had been in her new house for over a month and I had still not been paid. Now, sometimes the listing broker doesn't cut the checks until the first of the month and I understand that, but it was now 22 days past the first.

I had called the agent on the other end (the one who listed the house) over a week ago and she assured me she had turned in all the paperwork and given the file to her broker. I believed her.

I called the office where she worked to find out the status of my money and was told by the agent who answered the phone (without her skipping a beat, mind you) that the check had been sent out the previous Friday. Hmmmm…curious, but OK I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

When a week went by and still no check, I called again. This time I got to the Broker. The conversation we had is the reason I'm writing this.

After giving me all the excuses about how the agent was on bed rest, she was just handed the file, she had no idea about the details on the property, did I know she needed more paperwork from my broker (nope, it was never mentioned) blah, blah, blah, she stated not once, not twice, but a minimum of five times that "she didn't even know I existed". Nice.

I feel warm and fuzzy all over.

Seems she didn't look all the way through her paperwork (which is her responsibility to do) and I had just "fallen through the cracks". Again, her words. Just wants to make you join hands and sing "Kumbaya" don't it? 🙂

Folks, this is anti-customer service at it's finest. All I got was a laundry list of excuses and not once did she apologize. Still haven't
gotten the referral fee either.

What's the lesson to be learned here? Customers are the reason you're in business and should be treated with respect…always. I know, there will be a few turkeys in the bunch, but even turkeys need respect. You never know which one may refer you business down the road.

When dealing with customers and clients, the Golden Rule should always be applied. Treat your customers the way you want to be treated. You may be having a bad hair day, you may have PMS, you may have just had a fight with your spouse, your kid may have used your good shower curtain as a towel to wipe a glob of vaseline off his hands (don't ask 🙂 ).

Whatever is going on in your world, for the most part your customer doesn't care (nor should they). Your job is to serve your customers with the honor and respect they deserve. Your reward will be their loyalty and a nice healthy bank account. Pretty good deal, huh?

Have any anti-customer service experiences you'd like to share? I'd love to hear 'em (keep it clean, please. All expletives will be deleted 🙂 ) Businesses and customers are scared these days and I see customer service slipping big time. Let's decide together to turn that around. It all starts with us. Have a great one…

Sonrisas (smiles),


Your Business: It Doesn’t Matter How Small You Start…Just START

Posted on: September 5th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Lots of times when those entrepreneurial feelings start. We're not quite sure what to do about it.

You know you want to have a business of your own, but there's SO much to do…and there's SO many things you think you have to get in place first.

What about a website? I have to have a website…and business cards.

Must design the perfect business card and Oh, I'll need a logo because the experts say I must "brand" myself.

To all this I say…STOP!!

You're gonna make yourself nuts and you haven't even sold the first thing yet.

Here's what you really need to get started in business…Ready?

The basic ingredients to a successful business consist of these things: 

A need in the market that needs filled or a problem that needs solved People that have those needs or problems (and can pay for the solutions)

You…and your ability to be the go-to person for taking care of those needs and problems.

Your mouth (or someone elses mouth) to get the word out about you and what you do.

Too simple?

Why make it more complicated?

Everyday on the internet you'll find the latest guru-du-jour who'll tell you that their system or training is the answer to building the business of your dreams, and they may be right…partly.

But, if you get all caught up in the getting-ready-to-get-ready syndrome ; buying every tool and training and waiting until everything's perfect

to launch your business, you're doomed before you even start.

And you'll go broke in the process.

It's not about the "stuff", folks.

It's about the people you serve and the product or service you provide to them.

Start small. Talk to five people today about what you do. Heck…just talk to one if that's all you can do, but do it.

Once you start it just gets easier and easier. And if you mess up, so what?

You just figured out how NOT to do something. Congratulations!! You just had a learning experience.

Your marching orders for today…decide what needs to be done in your business today and…DO IT!!

If you're feeling stuck and need some advice or want to share a celebration of how you "just did it", leave a comment below for some
help or a happy dance. Talk with you soon.

To Your Success,
Sonrisas (smiles),




The Way To Overcome Resistance Is With Action

Posted on: August 30th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Ever get something in your head that you just KNEW you were supposed to do?

It could be losing weight…or moving to a new location…or starting a new business (one of my personal favorites 🙂 )

The excitement builds, all the pieces are in place. You may even have your friends and family on board ready to cheer you on in this next exciting step in your life and all of a sudden…WHAM!!

You stop dead in your tracks. Suddenly all the motivation is gone. Even doing the laundry and cleaning the cat box sound like more fun than following through on your new plan.

It's the killer of dreams and the squasher of all things even remotely looking like personal growth or forward movement in your life.

The one sure-fire way to tell if the thing you're wanting to do is really what you're supposed to be doing is when Resistance starts
rearing it's ugly head.

How do you overcome Resistance? Take ACTION.

Do what it is you need to be doing whether you feel like it or not. And whether you're scared to or not. This exposes Resistance for what it really is.

You see, Resistance likes the status quo. It wants you to stay safe and small. The moment you make a decision and start moving forward in your life, good ol' resistance will start following you like a shadow.

You'll procrastinate, you'll rationalize. In it's strongest form, you may even get depressed or sick.

There's a fantastic book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield that goes into wonderful detail how resistance in all it's forms, shows up and tries to keep you stuck. I highly recommend it to anyone who knows they've been called to greater things, but just can't seem to "get it in gear".

It doesn't matter a step you take, but do something that will move you closer to where you want to be…whatever that is for you. Take action today.

If you're feeling stuck right now, but know in your heart of hearts you've been called to do bigger things and play a bigger game, I
encourage you to get "The War of Art".  

It will be a game changer for you…it was for me.

Remember one thing about taking action when you're feeling resistance.

It's kind of like turning the light on in a dark room. The room seems spooky and unfamiliar until you flip the switch then…POOF!

Now you can step into that room because you can see. No more fumbling around (procrastinating and avoiding) because you know what's in front of you and what to walk around.

Action is your light switch…flip it today.

Leave a comment below and let me know how YOU overcome resistance. Love to hear from you 🙂


When Opportunity Knocks, How Will You Answer?

Posted on: August 25th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

Sometimes it's feast or famine

There have been times in my life when I've been searching frantically for a job or a business venture and the pool of available opportunities was drier than Death Valley in August. And then, there were times when things were coming at me so fast and furious, I had a hard time deciding WHICH opportunity to take.


Ever been in that spot?

How do you know which opportunity or choice is the right one?

Here's a great way to decide.

Recently I finished a 6-part class given by David Neagle called the Miracle of Money. It was an amazing experience. In the class we learned, among other things, that when you set a goal for something (and in the class, it was a money goal) the opportunity to create the money and realize the goal will present itself. (Sidebar: there's more detail than I can go into for now, but suffice it to say things really do show up)

When we'd set goals for the amounts of money we wanted, believe me no one had a clue as to how we were going to get it. Then,as the opportunities started showing up, I and a bunch of other people in the class had a hard time making a choice as to which direction to take.

David gave us four questions that helped us, and now you, figure out the right path to follow. Here are the four very simple questions to ask yourself that make a world of difference:

1) Is this opportunity something I want to be, do or have? If it isn't, no need to go any further. You've got your answer. If you know deep down this thing isn't for you, don't do it. After a while you'll be frustrated at best and miserable at worst. Now, if it's something you're totally jazzed about, on to question #2.

2) Is being, doing or having this taking me closer to my goal?

3) Is being, doing or having this in alignment with Universal (God's) Law (more life to all and less to none)?

4) Does being, doing or having this violate the rights of others (does it take away someone else’s right to choose)? The answers you want are yeses to the first three questions and no to the fourth. Stepping on another persons rights will always bite the stepper in the behind in the long run.

These four questions are so simple, but so powerful. The next time you're faced with a big decision and feeling stuck, go through the questions. You already have the right answers inside of you. These questions will help you find them.

I'd love to hear what you think about this. Leave a comment below and let's talk.

Have we connected on FaceBook and Twitter? Click on the links and follow me, I'd love to meet you.
