Pro Vitamin B 5 (Panthenol): Help and Hope For Your Dry Skin

When you have dry skin, skin care can be a frustrating proposition. There is hope, however and relief from the tightness, flakiness and sometimes downright soreness that comes from having dry skin.

Those with dry skin need all the help they can get when it comes to retaining moisture. Drinking plenty of water certainly helps from the inside. Using products on your skin that contain ingredients rich in natural emolients and nutrients will keep skin soft, supple and help to slow the signs of premature aging.

One major player in the anti-aging game is Pro-Vitamin B5 (panthenol), which comes from plants and is a real soother when it comes to relieving dry, itchy skin. The reason why it works so well is that it's non-irritating, non-allergenic and penetrates into the layers below the skin's surface.

While many ingredients only sit on the surface of your skin, holding in what moisture you produce naturally, dry skin sufferers can tell you this is not nearly enough. What Pro-Vitamin B5(panthenol) does is work it's way to the lower layers of the skin, adding moisture and plumping up fine lines and wrinkles.

Panthenol is a non-toxic vitamin that has been used in the past two decades to treat sunburns, minor skin disorders and irritation caused by dry skin.

It has also been helpful in treating acne because of it's anti-bacterial properties.

Panthenol works for all skin types and is also wonderful for restoring shine and strength to dry, damaged hair.

So, you see there really is relief for skin that's moisture-hungry.

The best place to start is with products that really heal your dry skin. Skin care products with good, high quality Pro-Vitamin B5 (panthenol) will get you headed in the right direction.

Hope this was helpful. For answers to any additional questions you may have about Vitamin B5 Contact Us by clicking here.

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Edith March 24, 2012 at 7:54 pm

Skin moisturizing creams are good for people who have dry skin problem. It is an effective way of combating it and helps rejuvenate as well as protect the skin. Dry skin can lead to other skin problems that is a big no to have.


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