Make Your Own Essential Oil? Yes, And Enjoy Nature’s Healing Secret

Whether you have a strong interest in the benefits that aromatherapy can bring you, or you are looking to see how essential oils can benefit your skin and your health, you'll find that there is a lot of great information out there.

You'll also find, however, that this is something that everyone can bring her own wisdom and her own preferences to, and at the end of the day, essential oils can be a personal and wonderfully tailored thing. If you are looking to make your own essential oil, take a look at a few facts to get you started.

Essential oils are derived from plants, and they are the concentrated, liquid portions of the aroma compounds that are created when the plant is crushed, distilled or in some other way processed.

They will always carry the distinct scent of the plant, and although they are defined strictly by their scent, these oils are quite useful when it comes to other things. They are often used in perfumes and essential oil aromatherapy products.

They are used for flavoring food and drinks(ever tried a couple drops of lavender oil in a chocolate cake? yummy!) And historically, they have always been an important part of the beauty and health regimen of women around the world.

Rose oil, for instance, has been around for many hundreds of years, and it has been praised in sources as various as Middle Eastern books to Chinese scrolls.

Even women today have often found that there are many uses for essential oils. If you are hoping to make your own essential oil, you may be in for a bit more than you bargained for!

Most of the time, as stated above, you will need a still to get you started, but many have found that making their own signature essential oil mix is a lot of fun. How to mix essential oil, you might ask?

While some dilute the resulting mix and use it to scent clothing or to perfume a room, other women will mix a very small amount of their oil with alcohol, put it in an atomizer and essentially create their own perfume!

You'll also find that there is such a thing as antiviral essential oil. These oils can, when kept in close proximity to you and used on a regular basis, help you get over any illnesses you might be suffering from.

Essential oils are absorbed readily into your skin tissue, and as such, many have found their way towards being medicinal as well as simply cosmetic! An example of a therapuetic essential oil is anise. It's very useful towards many strains of flu, as are cinnamon, neroli and lavender.

Always remember though, essential oils normally are very highly concentrated and should not be put directly on your skin. Mix them with a neutral oil, like vegetable or jojoba oil, to reduce your risk of irritation.

As you can see there are many reasons why you might be inclined to make your own essential oil. Take some time and put some thought into it. Think about what scents appeal to you, and the ones that don't.

You'll find that by perfecting your own mix, you might end up smelling lovely as well as have a shot of beating the winter flu!

These oils help in so many ways. For answers to any additional questions you may have about uses of the many healing oils Contact Us by clicking here.

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