Supplements For Healthy Skin: Your Skin Needs Nutrition, Too

At an initial meeting, the first thing that people look at is the other person’s physical appearance especially the skin. Supplements for healthy skin are just as important as supplements for a healthy body

A smooth, blemish-free skin always makes an unforgettable first impression. So how does one make sure that the skin is eternally glowing with health?

Sure, there are lots of skin supplements that are made available in the market today. They promise everything from removing acne, reducing wrinkles, to making the skin tone lighter.

According to dermatologist Karen E. Burke, MD however, not all these products really work. For instance, a number of skin care companies claim that their serums and creams contain vitamins for healthy skin that work wonders.

Fact is, they contain too little of these vitamins for the skin to make any significant impact on it. With this, it is high time for the truth to be revealed.

Now is the right moment to discover for yourself the nutritional supplements you can take to rescue your skin.

The first skin supplement pertains to the vitamins that one can take to promote healthy skin.

The skin is too exposed to a number of damaging environmental factors that it is left to suffer and yes, look ugly. The ultraviolet rays from the sun are strong contenders against achieving healthy skin.

It can cause skin discoloration, photoaging, and dryness. An effective way to combat sun skin damage is to take supplements for healthy skin that contain Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Selenium.

These elements are actually antioxidants that fight off free radicals that are out to destroy the cell walls and other cell configurations in the body.

Specifically, Vitamin A is one of the best skin vitamins to help treat acne and smooth out wrinkles by promoting collagen production in the skin.

Meanwhile, Selenium works well with the antioxidant called glutathione peroxidase in reducing the risk of skin cancers. An effective dose of Selenium is set at 50 to 200 micrograms daily.

Meanwhile, free radicals run away from Vitamin E antioxidants. Otherwise, they will get terminated from the face of the earth. A Vitamin E supplement of 400 milligrams a day prevents wrinkles and makes the skin smoother.

Finally, Vitamin C is another antioxidant that is naturally found in the skin but gets reduced due to sun exposure, pollution, or smoking. Vitamin C targets to repair sunburned skin and other damages to the skin.

Fighting inflammation in the body is also one of Vitamin C’s specializations. It is further recommended that as a supplement, this vitamin be taken at 500 to 1000 milligrams per day.

On the other hand, if you are the type of person who would rather eat, drink, and be merry, then you may take note of the food supplements, skin supplements, and juices that are rich in these vitamins for skin.

Low-fat dairy products like yogurt should be enjoyed for Vitamin A to be absorbed. Foods that are loaded with Selenium include eggs, whole grains, seafood, and garlic. Sunflower oil, almonds, wheat germ, brown rice, oats, and meats are great sources of Vitamin E.

As for Vitamin C, eating more than five helpings of juices, fruits, and vegetables are highly recommended to keep the skin healthy.

Most importantly, all of the above will not work quite well without water.

Much like the desert, the skin needs water to moisturize it. So take those vitamin supplements for healthy skin, enjoy the food, and finish off with lots of water. You are sure to achieve that healthy glowing skin in no time.

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