What Is Royal Jelly? The Food of Queens (Bees, That Is)

Exactly what is royal jelly? While sometimes with us humans it's true that greatness is made, not born, that's always the case with honey bees. All honey bees are born the same size and all the larvae, or baby bees are fed the same diet- for a few days. The difference is that the queen bee (the head of the hive) is fed a continuous diet of nothing but royal jelly.

Royal jelly is a milky-looking, sort of semi-liquid substance produced by the nurse worker bee. Royal jelly is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, essential lipids, fatty acids and vitamins. Especially B-vitamins. There's nothing else like it in nature and it cannot be reproduced in a laboratory.



Pure royal jelly has been used as far back as 2735 B.C. in China. When a Chinese emperor began studying royal jelly for it's medicinal properties. He found it to have lots of therapeutic benefits. For example, royal jelly has been used for increased energy and it also seems to help relieve stress.

Living on a diet on nothing but pure royal jelly, the queen bee lives an average of 70-80 times longer (seven years instead of seven weeks)and is 42% larger and 60% heavier than the worker bees. Okay, so maybe being that much bigger and heavier than everyone else doesn't work for people, but in the bee world, it's a happy thing.

Everyday the queen bee produces 2 1/2 times her own body weight in eggs. Around 2000 each day. Her strength, energy, fertility, size and longevity is believed to be solely due to her diet of only royal jelly.

So, what is Royal Jelly and what are it's benefits? It's a one-of-a-kind, nutrient-rich, naturally produced potion that offers a wealth of health and beauty benefits.

Smart little bees, huh? For answers to any additional questions you may have about this "food of queens" Contact Us by clicking here.

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