What Is Microdermabrasion? A Painless Way to Gorgeous Skin

You've seen it on TV and in magazines, but what is microdermabrasion? Well, if you knew you could have smooth, healthy-looking skin without injections and without surgery would you be interested? Who wouldn't, right?.

Let's look at what microdermabrasion is and what it does. Microdermabrasion is a process where micro-fine crystals are used to gently polish away the surface layer of dead skin cells. Typically microdermabrasion is used on the skin of your face, neck, chest and hands.

Your skin is made up of two layers, the epidermis or top layer and the dermis or lower layer. The epidermis is the layer that protects all that's below. It's the layer that's exposed to sunlight, heat, cold and all those pesky free radicals floating around everywhere.

What microdermabrasion does is gently remove those dry, dead surface skin cells to make way for the healthy cells coming to the surface. By removing those cells, your skin thinks of it like a minor injury and speeds up the renewal process. The result is a smoother, clearer complexion.

One of the big benefits of microdermabrasion is that it's quick (some call it the lunch hour facial). The procedure can be performed in the doctor's office or by an esthetician in about an hour.

There's no down-time(your skin may be a little pink after the procedure, but usually goes away in a couple of hours), no cutting and no injections. The really cool thing is that you see immediate results. Crows feet and fine lines will be much less noticable.

There are many microdermabrasion machines on the market both for professional and home use. We'll talk about microdermabrasion home kits here. Obviously the ones in the doctor's office or spa are stronger and should only be used by a licensed professional. Although you'll see fantastic results even after the first treatment, it usually takes a series of several treatments, done about two weeks apart, to get the full benefit.

A question that often comes up is, "What about microdermabrasion and acne?" If you have acne scars You will see a big improvement with microdermabrasion. Scars will be less noticable and your skin will be smoother.

Will microdermabrasion stop active acne? If your acne is active now, you may be better off with another treatment since the crystals from the procedure may irritate your skin.

Your're probably wondering, "what does microdermabrasion cost?" The good news is that depending on whether you choose a spa or a doctor's office, microdermabrasion usually costs anywhere form $50 to $200 per session. For the best results, as I mentioned above, it may take several sessions. But, with the alternative being surgery(costing thousands of dollars) or needles(ouch), it's well worth it.

I hope that answers your question about "what is microdermabrasion?" For a fast, affordable skin treatment that will leave your skin soft, smooth and erase some of those "character" lines, it's definitely worth checking out.

Thinking about turning back the clock a little? For answers to any additional questions you may have about this lunch-time wonder Contact Us by clicking here.

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