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Archive for July, 2011

Your Ideal Client: Narrow Your Focus For A Broader Reach

Posted on: July 28th, 2011 by Beth Heilman

As small business owners, it makes sense to reach out to as many potential customers as we humanly can.The reasoning behind this is that the more people we can see, talk to or get to visit us the more we’ll sell, right?


It sounds counter-intuitive I know, but not everyone is your customer. That’s a good thing…really.

Let me ask you something…

Is it easier to write, video or speak a marketing message that tries to attract the attention of a huge group of people? Or is it easier to concentrate on a very specific problem that a specific group of people is having and speak to that.

Ideal Client

I’m thinkin’ it’s the second one. Here’s an example…

Years ago I was very active in a Direct Sales Company that sold skin care products. The products were fabulous (still are) and the general feeling of the powers-that-be of the company was that it should be a no-brainer to sell because “everyone has skin”.

Yes, everyone DOES have skin, but not everyone wants the sames results for their skin.

Some is dry, some is oily, some has break-outs, some is getting kinda crinkly around the edges. You get the idea, right?

The best and most effective way to sell in any business (yes, I said sell. It’s not a bad word) is to narrow your focus and identify the customers you want to work with and help the most. Direct all your marketing towards them.

Talk to them like you’d talk with a friend over lunch and see how easy (and fun) it is to build a relationship with them that will keep them a customer for years to come. Narrowing your focus won’t cut down on the number of people you serve. It will strengthen your relationship with the right people…your ideal customers.

How do you figure out who your Ideal Client is and where do you find them? Stay tuned for the next post and I’ll tell ya 🙂

In the mean time, your input is really important to me. Leave a comment below and let me know how I can help you in your business. Til next time…


Being About Your Business: Are You Looking For Advice Or Approval?

Posted on: July 11th, 2011 by Beth Heilman


Are You Looking For Advice or Approval?

So many times when we’re stuck in the middle of making a decision, or moving forward in our businesses,
we go to our friends and family for advice.

What do they think?

Are You Looking For Business Advice...Or Approval?

Looking For Biz Advice...Or Approval?

If they were in our shoes, what would they do?

We think we’re being prudent in asking for advice, but are we really?

So many times we tell ourselves we’re asking for advice when we’re really wanting approval.

There is a difference.

Advice is information you seek out about something you’re considering doing from someone who’s done it before you.
They literally have a mental library of past experience, successes and failures, to pull from.

Most times when we go to our friends and family for advice it’s for something they have little or no experience in
(and secretly we know that).

Deep down we either want them to make us feel all warm and fuzzy about the plans we’re making. We want their approval.

The flip side of that is when we ask those closest to us what they think of our plans and they shoot more holes in them
than a slice of swiss cheese, we abandon our plans.

We’ve now justified in our own heads all the reasons why this new thing won’t work.
We abandon our plans because of the opinions of folks who can’t even remember the last time they tried something new.

And we choose to stay small.

How sad.

The moral of the story? Only seek advice, real advice from those who have been where you want to go.
Then…and here’s the most important part…DO IT!

Advice or approval…success or mediocrity? The choice is up to you.
